there's a monster under....

Couldn't help but smile when they read the interesting headlines on the radio this morning, especially this.

I know a few people who have or had problems with monsters-in-law, namely the she-monster. You know who I am referring to.

I myself have had my fair share of problems with the MIL but I guess I am one the luckier one who have a spouse (her son) who has balls and see who or what is wrong. And I suppose, after seeing that I can actually take care of her son as well as her if not better (pushing it maybe?), she backed off.

Contacts and communications with her are but a few and I am happy to keep it as such. Balik kampung ocassions are also limited so not much opportunities to cari pasal. Hubby has mentioned that he wants to bring her on our family vacations but I am not sold on that idea yet. So I shall not bring up the idea of a family getaway as yet. Waitlah a couple of months and he'll soon forget he said that. Must. Remember. Not. To. Bring. It. Up.

Some of us can only be so lucky to have the She-Ra stay in another continent or across the ocean and the only way to get to them is by taking a flight. Damn the budget flights kan? But you can always say "Oh, penuh lah flight.." Just don't tell your other half that you tried to book the flights one day before intended travel. LOL

So do you have monsters in your closet?


thewisekid said...

i don't have closet, so how?

in sinjapore for the GSS!
come, come.

plain jane said...

no closet,the cabinet below the kitchen sink lah... :-)

come, come!! mentang2 the holes int the donuts don't need to be tebuk everyday. dengkilah tu.

next week, me is going!!! GSS, wait for me!!!