the duke is up & running

The DUKE highway is opened to all interchanges as scheduled. Guess we are so used to Malaysian timing that we thought 'Oh okay...soon.' But the Duta interchange has been opened to public in May as promised by the authorities.

Missed it on the way to work yesterday but I didn't have ants in my pants as the ride to work ain't so bad. But as the end of the work day approached and seeing that I couldn't leave for home on the dot, I decided to take a gamble and use the new highway. Left office in Setiawangsa at five to 7pm. Believe you me, by 720pm I was home already & heading out for dinner with the daughter.

Travelling time cut in half. Toll up double the norm I pay. Oh well, can't have the best of both worlds I suppose.

I know I have a fellow driver out there (Anon who left a comment in one of my earlier post) who is so relieved that this highway is finally accessible.

It may not be much but twenty minutes extra at home plus the jam free journey back (okay so we get stuck for about a 100m strecth) disregarding the toll we have to pay - PRICELESS!!

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