change change change

You know how in a relationship between couples (in a perfect world ie a male & a female), you are at your best behaviour - no buang angin in public, makan pun segan silu. Then you go and get married and wham!! all the nasty habits reveal itself.

How when you are courting, the guy would drive to the ends of the earth (literally perhaps) to fetch his sweetheart after work? Once you become Mr. & Mrs, he might just tell her he's working into overtime and why don't she just take a cab if she's lucky or horrors of horrors - the bus?

Then if you are lucky enough to get a sneak preview of your significant other's nasty habit prior to being punished to a lifetime of being the spouse, you just say to yourself "Never mind, it will change. I can make him/her change" while the other party is blissfully ignorant of your devious plans. Many a times, the deejays in the radio has made this a topic for debate or battle between the sexes. And many a times, the young 'uns will swear on their ancestor's graves that they will never change or try to change the other person however unrealistic it may be. Reasons like 'love them for what they are, accept them as is, love them flaws & all'...

But really, as you grow older and supposedly wiser doesn't one go through changes that can either be for the better (less temper, more patience) or if you ain't so lucky for the worse (bellies get bigger, smoking habit becomes worse).

So if there was one nasty habit you could change about your other half, what would it be?


thewisekid said...

His snoring!

verification word of the day: daludes

plain jane said...

ange, i feel your pain. he complains that i picit his hidung too hard sometimes. but normally i would give him a 'gentle' elbow nudge just to get his to change his sleeping position. the picit hidung is the last resort :-)

thewisekid said...

i would normally shout out his name so loud, he would wake up.

the best part is... when he wakes up, he will innocently ask me "yeah?"

like i call to ask him to pass me the aircond remote!! d'oh!!! *roll eyes*

jom makan bubur this friday?

plain jane said...

if i did that, he would then not be able to go back to sleep & would instead watch his golf channel which is actually worse.

jom...u ajak bee sekali ke? want anymore books?