there are friends and there are friends

I received a joke on my BB and sent it out to a few friends. One comes back - "Sorry don't get what you mean, are you sure you sent it to the right person?"

I'm speechless & tell him "Never mind, it's a joke anyways..."

What do you say when it happens? Evil twin asks me if I am sure this guy is a friend since he can't get my jokes (not same wave-length).

So now people I know are categorized into the following:

Friends - people equally as crazy as (or worse) me to know what the hell I am talking about.
Others - not friends, you're just there
Pft - the tweedle-dumbs and the tweedle-asses of the world

Now let's see who can I put in what category....


He tells me "To comply, you need to provide a hard copy of the invoice. We cannot accept e-invoice." Okay, fine - whatever, you just be responsible for one less tree.

Then today I find out his definition of hard copy is a print out of the e-invoice.

Go figure....

I need another piece of chocolate now.