loving me and leaving me

If I don't tell you my innermost secrets?
If I don't call you just to say 'hi' or 'bye'?
If I choose to confide in another whom I think will understand me better?
If I tell you what you need to hear instead of what you want to hear?
If I can't meet you for lunch or drinks every week, or month?
If I can't be there for every ocassion that you are celebrating?
If I don't know what you like or dislike?
If I choose to give my opinion but trust you to make your own decision, learned or otherwise?
If I choose to say what I say or do what I do for not wanting to hurt you?

Does that make me a terrible person? A lousy friend?


catbee said...

it makes you...

plain jane said...

yeah but sometimes being you just isn't enough is it? then again, i aim not to please everyone kan?
like me, loathe me, love me, leave me....suka hati lah.

actually the all love me saja tak nak ngaku jer. LOL