the good, the not-so-bad & the fugly..

The Good
Yesterday the daughter was telling me a funny story about one of her friends. See, they will be sitting for a somewhat important exam later in the year. Seems her friend decided to add one more subject to the list of seven compulsory papers they need to take - the Chinese language.

One of their teachers was asking her to read some Chinese characters to which friends say after hmm-ing and ahh-ing that she doesn't know. Then the teacher asks her why she decided to take on this additional subject if she can't even read the characters. Her answer - simply "When my brother did his exams, he got 7As & 1D and the D was for Chinese. So I wanted to take and score a 'C' so that I can brag to him". The daughter then says "Oh a straight Cs student (friend has been scoring C in all the Chinese papers in all the exams)" to which friend proudly beams and says "Yeah!!".

As much as I did laugh at her reasoning for wanting to do what she wants to do, I am indeed in awe and perhaps admiration of her guts to do what she wants and not give two hoots about what the C might do to her straight As that she is aspiring to score for the rest (thinking positive for the girls here).

But really, I am glad that there is some sense (common or cow-dung) in these kids; the daughter and her friends alike to not take life too seriously especially when they are just fifteen and to enjoy what the have when they can. How I wish I was back in school now (don't really look forward to the exams and the homework though).

The Not-so-Bad
Ahhhhh....bliss (one of the many that keep a plain jane like me smiling and happy happy) is cruising on the highways sans idiotic drivers from one end of the earth (read: office) to the civilization (read: home) in fifteen minutes. Believe it!! I did that today. And this is way faster than when I worked in a place that is supposed to be ten minutes away but felt like it took eternity on the road. And the fact that I had to fork out four buckaroos for the toll didn't even bother me.

The Fugly
Since I left my last employment, I have learnt to be more calm, less irritable, less bitchy, less a pain in the arse. But these undesirable traits are slowly creeping its way back...bad!!! (yes people, I am mother theresa incarnate I keep telling you. Believe me already). Tuesday - went into the office. Boss gives me some projects I need to work on & a couple are bloody urgent like 'we need it last year'. Sigh...okay. So I start working on the last years project, deadline today...

And I'm working. And I'm typing. And I'm hurting my brains (ah chanz, ange, bee or whoever don't even think of kutuking 'k). Then it strikes me "If the dinosaurs in the company aren't smart enough to open the relevant sheets in the spreadsheet, nanti I juga susah kan"... being the super-efficient worker that I am (self praise moment cos I know I ain't getting any lurve) I very patiently copy-paste copy-paste into four different spreadsheets. and this is for three documents. Which took me one whole effing day to do. So this morning, all printed, sorted I give boss the proposal.

Ignoramus looks at me: "When they open the file, I want all three documents to be there as a set".
Me: "Can't we just send the three spreadsheets to them in soft copy and they can do it themselves."
Ignoramus: "No, no. It must be a set"
Me: "It's different applications. If I put it all in word doc, alignment will lari, tabulation not auto" (making excuses lah. work smart not hard)
Ignoramus: "No, no. It must be a set"
Me: "Redo lah"

Deadline - today & she's telling me this one hour before it's time to eff-off. So I got effing one hour to redo the documents for four different companies with four different sets of information. Bloody old arseholes can't even fill in the details themselves; ignoramus is ringing in my ear "they are not that smart"...what the saying about pots and kettles again??

Okay, docs completed. Sends via email. Summoned in "I don't know how to forward this docs. Come help me create an icon". What icon? Saves file into the folder. "Oh you forgot one more company ah". Shit!! Never mind copy-paste comes to the rescue. So I use file A as sample. "No, no don't use this. Use that. The staff force is about the same". Okay, its fifteen minutes to go before I need to get my ass out the office. Okay okay copy-paste file B.

Opens new file. Changes the information. "This company where got site office". Urgh!! Takde bulu pun bulu dah meremang "Patience lah. You know, patience is a virtue". Ignoramus just laughs and says "I scared you forget". Dear god!! Someone kill me already!!!

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

I will if I can but I can't so I won't. Who gives a shit anyways!!! Oh, a friend suggested I apply for a part time gig with a child development outfit. Maybe I will.. So I won't be able to wear my AX outfits or tote my SF but at least the halo above my head won't disappear so soon right? Or will the kids be traumatized for life?? If I do end up working with the kids, maybe the parents should be made to sign a disclaimer. Or something.

And oh!! MIL is visiting tomorrow - wish me luck!!


thewisekid said...

have u written your will, just in case? ;p

plain jane said...

you want my dvd haram? :P