too soon to arrive at a crossroad?

It's already into the second week of my 'job' & I am beginning to ask myself if it is too soon to be at a crossroad. Is it too soon for me to question if this was meant for me? Do I give her the benefit of the doubt that this is just the beginning & things are gonna go the way she explained it to me? Do I throw in the towel now & say "thanks but I think I'll pass..."

See, when my ex-boss (RK) contacted me some time back to entice me into joining her in this company, I was supposed to be assisting her in setting up the ground-work to get a HR department proper. So I go in last week - first day, we sit down have a discussion on what needs to be done & okay, all is clear. So we need to get the employee handbook, the relevant processes & documents in place.

What she fails to tell me is there is no program or anything (which so baffles me really) in existense and I have to come up with the layout, the actual design & the actual idiotic, monotonous data entry. Now, if a handbook is like two pages long I won't really think very much about it. Or... if there is already a soft-copy and all I need to do is to proof-read it, tweak it up a little, add a couple of zeroes to the staff benefits; that doesn't seem so bad, really isn't. But heaven forbid, there is NO soft-copy. Nil. Zilch. Nada. So how?? Well, RK very brilliantly got a whole binder of another organization's handbook & I have to re-type the effing thing word for word for like a five inches binder thick. WTF???

So, I am asking myself - is this what I am going to end up doing...some clerical, secretarial job. Sit, sit, sit, type, type, type, print, print, print, amend for the eleventh millionth time & life goes on.

I am very quickly losing my patience (yes, I am like that so deal with it) as I am designing & doing the multitude of forms that god-only-knows if they will comprehend must less be able to fill out in proper without making me pull my already fine hair off my head.

There... I don't know. Am I jumping the gun here? Do I stick it out for the next two months of my 'trial' period? Do I give RK the benefit of the doubt & wait till she sits with the supremos and discuss if they need me, why they need me; then lay out the terms & conditions of me being tied down & shackled with them for my next two eternities? Or do I give them notice that 'I-am-leaving-you-can-find-someone-else-to-type-out-this-shitload-of-stuff-for-you-&-I'll-be-having-lunch-at-Chinoz-thank-you-very-much' speech?

Sigh!! Why did it have to get to this? All this while when all I had to worry my less wise little self (that's a different story for another day) was "Should I go for for yoga today?" and / or "What to eat ah?".....

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