meant to be watching from the side-lines

Okay, I officially started my first day at work today if you can call it that. And yes, it floods back memories why I quit in the first place.

Well to be fair, my ex-boss isn't the bitch she was back then. Either she has mellowed with age or... so yeah, I'll go with mellow with age. I wouldn't say that she is trying to be nice to be cos it's my first day and all. I mean, I have worked for her for two years yonks ago.

Small office with a manageable number of employees (plenty more scattered almost everywhere). Big kahuna ain't half bad looking seeing that he remains 39 and never ages a day more or less.

Go in. Meet the boss. Shown to desk. Settle in. Quick meeting on what I need to do while I am being chained and shackled down. Tch!! Easy peasy...all I need to do it park my ass in front of my laptop for my next two lifetimes. Kacanglah!!

Lunch time...grabs lunch with some of the girls. Boss wanted to chiak me but I say 'must make friends with the girls mah' (cos I might end up needing their help more often than I need hers, kan??). Lunch wasn't so bad either. Food quite delish. They belanja me lagi... then petang got tea & kuih. Nice leh??

Get back into the office. Type, type, type, type for what seems endless. Suddenly it's bloody freezing in there. Oh!! Raining. Better now than later when it's time to head home. And the typing continues... And yeah, the brain freeze thawed by this time.

Time to go home. Must save files on the thumbdrive & pass to boss. Where is the effing thumbdrive?? "Oh, dia beli tadi but he pergi sebelah hantar printer." Getting impatient. Walks to the other end of the world to check. Bloody thumbdrive was there all along. (Notice how I am getting impatient as the time to call it a day draws near). Saves file, passes to boss. "How to open the file ah?". Sigh..... okay, like this....

Packs stuff. Bye. Bye. See you tomorrow. Jalan Setiawangsa, traffic smooth... in less than fifteen minutes, I am hitting the MRR2. Wheeee. May be able to make it home in the next fifteen. HOLY SHIT!!! Spoke? Thought? Too soon. The bloody crawl starts. No other alternative routes to get out of the shithole. So what to do? Inch lah, wee wee wee all the way home for what seemed like from here to Timbaktu. All the while cursing swearing sumpah keramat at anyone who dares drive like an arsehole.

Picks daughter up from her friend's place. Comes home. Takes a quick shower. Goes out to dinner (thank heavens food was good).

If I go through this again tomorrow and they don't open the effing DUKE highway in May as scheduled, my race would have only lasted two months. The rest can go screw themselves for all I give a shit about. And yeah, and can the earth open up & swallow Sg Buloh whole ah. The stupid place is the 'axis of all jam'. Heavy rain, flash floods in Sg Buloh and practically the whole of Malaysia has a traffic standstill.

Now I am at peace & ready to hit the sack. Good night & sweet dreams.....


catbee said...

u'll get the hang of it...so hang in there...dun hang urself tho!

wah...3 'hangs' in one sentence...i must be really tipsy now. lol

plain jane said...

the mental part of it i can handle, no problems there. just don't breathe down like a perv down my neck & i'll get the job done.

it's the driving the brawn mercedes yang tak sanggup tu!!

Anonymous said...

MAY now? I thought it was April for Duke to open? I'm one of the other tens of thousands hoping it will be the solution to my travel problems, but now it seems I have to wait another month at least.

plain jane said...

anon - it seems the link to the duta portion (supposedly exits at solaris, mont kiara) is scheduled to be operational in may. but i think the others are already in use. i took a joy ride from setiawangsa interchange & came out at the old karak/gombak/sentul interchange. smooth, tol free (for now) but to get back to pj via mrr2 using this route, i would have travelled the world in less than eighty days....

like a colleague says, never mind lah may is only a couple of weeks away. so i asked her, "did they say may which year?" :-)

thewisekid said...


plain jane said...

why you go and open your donut shop all the way there....bukalah kat 1utama ke, centerpoint ke..

anyway, have fun. i know i ain't ;P