and they thought they got rid of me...

Apparently not!! Seems that my recent post (to consive & to report duty) re the almost unintelligible clauses found in a company's job application form caused some embarrassments. Well, not directly that the person who thinks the world of herself & goes by the title VP of the department knows of the existense of my blog and reads it. But I put up a message on my gtalk status which I think went something like 'Learn a word a day - consive baby. Don't ask me what that means!!'

But I took it off a couple of hours later. Seems our sheila was quick to spot it. I'll give her an A for effort on that part I suppose (for being alert for once!!) & A++++++++ for still having me on her contact list. I would have thought she blocked me or at the very least remove me. Oh well, the feeling is not mutual then.

I guess she would have been a tad embarrassed (more so, since it came from me whom she's not too fond of & neither I of her) & word was she marched in to ask the manager who came up with the clause & the word 'consive'. The meekly manager told her it was the director of the department & was told to remove the clause immediately as it discriminates against the fairer sex.

So today I put up another message for her, let's see if she picks this one up....

1 comment:

plain jane said...

geez bee...you have no recollection whatsoever of the powers that be there ke? and their powderful engerund what being a vp ke, ufo ke....

apparently the gold-teeth was responsible for all this hr mumbo-jumbo. now really can you blame him what with his bling and his plants getting in the way????

u nak kerja balik kat situ?? i'm sure they will take you back in a heartbeat...when hell freezes over!!