ingerish one-zero-one. point one

Caught up with an old acquaitance who ventured into his own business instead of the run-of-the-mill nine-to-five desk job. Thought I would ask him how he was getting along, careerwise & perhaps if I needed an IT solution, perhaps he could provide.

He was quite offended when I asked him how was business. He asked "Why? You think I'd be out of business now ah?". Geez...I was only asking what with the current economic situation & his being a 2 person outfit (him the boss & one employee, last I checked). So I said that it was good to know that he had not gone under yet.

Then I proceeded to ask him about some software that I thought would make life for me at work a tad breezier. He said something about if I wanted to know about that I would have to spend a couple of days in Penang. What? Where? Who? How? So, I asked him what he meant.

He went on to explain that his business had been bought over by some tycoon in Penang. So I went like "???" as in "Where did this come from? One minute, you are a twosome running an office, the next some tycoon owns you." but of course I didn't shoot it out in so many words.

His reply?? This - "a businessman with lots of money". So yeah, dear Balls (my pet name for him) thanks so much for the English lesson. Always wondered what the word tycoon meant. Must have got it mixed up with the violent cyclone or hurricane.

My vocab is certainly getting better, no? Consive baby, elobrate, lam, start report duty, tycoon.. My, my so much to learn...


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