eating to live or living to eat??

Ange posted an interesting post on her blog on Blood Type Diet & apparently one of the many food she isn't supposed to eat is crab. And our dear friend is die-die must eat Fatty Crab fan. Speaking of which, the family was supposed to have dinner there last night for the hubby's birthday dinner (his choice, not ours) but since takde kaki...maybe tomorrow night lah. Oh, just so you know their chicken wings pun sedapppppp!!!!

Anyways being the kepoh that I am, checked out the site lah. Details, details - I am type O. So what can or can't I eat??? Kalau rajin, silalah baca (since type O is generally the common one among us)..kalau malas, nak buat camana kan?? But since I sayang you guys so much and if you still so lazy to read go here lah to see a detailed chart of the long & short of it.

Type Os thrive on intense physical exercise & animal protein. Unlike the other blood types, Type Os muscle tissue should be slightly on the acid side. They can efficiently digest & metabolize meat because they tend to have high stomach-acid content. The success of the Type O Diet depends on the use of lean, chemical-free meats, poultry, and fish. Type Os don't find dairy products and grains quite as user friendly as do most of the other blood types.

The initial weight loss on the Type O Diet is by restricting consumption of grains, breads, legumes, and beans. The leading factor in weight gain for Type Os is the gluten found in wheat germ and whole wheat products, which interferes with insulin efficiency and slow down metabolic rate.

Another factor that contribute to weight gain is certain beans and legumes (lentils and kidney beans) contain lectins that deposit in the muscle tissues making them less "charged" for physical activity. The third factor in Type O weight gain is that Type Os have a tendency to have low levels of thyroid hormone or unstable thyroid functions, which also cause metabolic problems. Therefore it is good to avoid food that inhibits thyroid hormone (cabbage, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, mustard green) but increase hormone production (kelp, seafood, iodized salt).

Several classes of vegetables can cause big problems for Type Os, such as the Brassica family (cabbage, cauliflower, etc.) can inhibit the thyroid function. Eat more vegetables that are high in Vitamin K, which helps the clotting factor which is weak in Type Os. The nightshade vegetables can cause lectin deposit in the tissue surrounding the joints.

Because of the high acidity stomach, Type Os should eat fruits of alkaline nature such as berries and plums. Type Os should severely restrict the use of dairy products. Their system is not designed for the proper metabolism. If you are a Type O of African ancestry, you should eliminate dairy foods and eggs altogether.

So what I can stuff myself silly with are beef, lam (??? don't believe me? go to the link lah), mutton, veal venison, any type of seafood but got certain restrictions... Err, generally can eat anything everything edible under the sun. Wait. Wait. No pork (not a problem here!!), bacon (beef bacon tak leh ah??), smoked salmon (they didn't say raw tak leh what), all dairy products & yogurt (how to have strong bones like that, no calcium??)...

Ah, okaylah. I'll live lah with what I am allowed to eat and otherwise. Meanwhile, I'll go pig out at Fatty Crab tomorrow & do the intense physical activity part on Saturday. Sewer brains, stop right there!! Tengah cuti ah...I'm talking about the gym!!


thewisekid said...

you and Kelv sama laa... O people!
Happy like no tomorrow when he read that he can eat all the meat he wants!

but, i don't think he'll ever give up on his chocs! not in a gazillion years!

eh... next time FC, call us laa.. can go together-together! ;)

plain jane said...

jangan jeles lah. we eat on your behalf. we'll save the chicken wings for you...bee can have the bread cos the crabs got cili kan??