cinema etiquette...

Caught Ironman 2 on Saturday. Well this post is not a review of the movie itself but the fact that can somebody out there put a rule that parents should not bring toddlers or kids to watch movies if they can't sit still what more shut up.

Firstly we fork out 40 bucks for a ticket to watch the movie in comfort. Then we get nice seats at the back row where its not too near to the screen.

Then arrives a family with like 6 or 7 kids in tow. Noisy kids. Healthy rotund kids who can't stop eating & throwing popcorn at each other. Kids who recite the story to their friend next to them. Kids who have enough fat to keep a country warm but keep buzzing to get blankets lah, order nuggets lah, who go "Oooo, she's allergic to strawberries hahahahah" (referring to Gwyneth's Pepper Potts allergy to them berries).

Then next to us, a young couple with 2 kids in tow. One about 2 years old & his sister about 4 years old probably. Kejap-kejap nak kencing lah, and god knows what else. They kept interrupting our view of the screen by going in and out of the cinema. Buka pintu tak reti nak tutup balik. They knock into your chair, they don't bother to say excuse me or sorry. We push the chair into upright position to allow them to pass, no thank you. Then the kids start running around and the son goes "Ini bukan citer monster punnnnnn." I was on the verge of telling them 'Nak tengok citer monster, balik rumah tengok Ultraman lah" but just then the robots started a warfare and the kids ran to hide behind the parents' chairs.

Irritating enough for me to 'shush' them and tell them to keep quiet. Irritating enough for me to tell the girl at the ticket counter to provide masking tapes next time parents bring along their noisy kids.

Pity the hubby, he was trying to enjoy the movie but the kids simply irritated the socks off him. But being the kind soul he is, he can't bring himself to tell them to shut it.

Some people should just be barred from the cinemas...kids or adults likewise.


Tuty Awi said...

ooooh luckily i tgk movie dekat capital square, seat pon tak penuh. boleh tgk dengan aman...

zewt said...

this is why ppl tell me... when you have kids, even going to cinema is a challenge. these ppl simply dont understand that fact.

plain jane said...

tuty - capital square tu kat mana? maybe next time i should go to some place at the end of the world to watch. tapi kang tengok 'wayang' lain plak?? ada??

zewt - ya lah, when the daughter was younger, i didn't go watch a movie in the cinema for so many years. we only managed to do so after she was a bit grown up. had to make do with vcd lah...