triceratops are carnivores

She walks in and out of her room, stopping by my workstation peeking to check what I'm doing. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.

I'm getting a headache already watching her pace and also getting tired for her. She must already know I feel tired, so she plops herself on the chair in front of me. Suddenly. Suddenly.

"Eh, they took away my monitor. Will they be able to check my files or my mails?"

"They took away your monitor?"

"Ya, remember the line on the monitor."

Ahhh, that explains the mindless wandering....

"Did they take away your CPU?"

"They took the monitor only."

"No, they won't be able to access anything on your computer just because they have your monitor."

"Sure ah?"

"Err, ya??" (imagines banging my head against the wall or is it banging her head on the wall?)

"Sure ah?"

"Ya, sure"

Saved by the monitor... her replacement unit arrives!! Peace at last... but echo is still ringing in my head. Sure ah? Sure ah?

Is it my imagination or does such ignorance exists?


bosscat said...

hahahaha... itu orang zaman mana... mana ada files simpan kat monitor? hahhahahaha.... she got left out from the tech-y society ah??

u should bang her head on the wall.. not urs..

and then ask her

"WHY?? ada XXX ka or love letter??"

plain jane said...

maybe got pics of her tyrst with edison kot???