we'll have that to go...

The yoga instructor sms-ed me yesterday asking how I felt after the excruciatingly torturous ninety minutes Pilates class in the morning. It hurt in places I never knew existed before but I guess I'll live another day...

Then she asks if I know of any food delivery services as she is a spinster & eats out daily. I told her I would ask around but unfortunately not many people I are know subscribe to such services. But it seems the going rate is anything from RM150 to RM180 per head per month for one meal a day (weekdays only) with three dishes. So that works out to about RM7 - RM9 a meal.

So I text a friend who is in the food business & he gives me the idea to set up a partnership with him. Sounds interesting.....If it works out, I'll post something soon. Healthy yummylicious food coming your way. I. Hope.

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