to bum or not to bum???

Some time last week, catbee called me to seek advise on some HR issues. Then she asks if I would consider taking on a HR position in the organization she is currently attached to. I'm always keeping my options open, so I said tell me what my package is & I may consider lah.. But of course I have my pre-requisites before I take on the job; although I have given up on the idea of a three possibly four day week with a remuneration of RM7k or so plus medical, insurances, leave, claims, allowances.. Anyways she says she will talk to her bimbo of a boss to see if she can get me working there...

This evening on the way back from KLCC, I get a call from my ex-boss wanting to meet me for coffee. Yeah, why not? Seems that she is starting a new job with some oil & gas company but on a contractual basis what being a retiree & all. One of her terms is she would bring in her own protégé to groom to take over her position when she leaves. So she's asking me "You want to work or not? Or do you still want to loiter around?"; to which I reply "With you ah?". She laughs heartily... I mean I *heart* her but she can be a bitch of a boss to work with / for. But then again, when she always offers me a job in whatever organization she joins I must be her favorite or possibly the only one who can tolerate her & make life bearable for her.

Then later I give catbee a call to ask if she has spoken to her bimbo boss about the HR position for me. She says she's gonna meet him tonight & would bring it up. I just wanted to know cos now I potentially have two offers so I want to weigh my pros & cons before I decide to start working again or continue being a bum. When I told her my ex-boss called to offer me a job, her immediate reaction was "Don't tell me you are going back to work with (my last employment)??" Uhhh duhhhh!! NO way in hell babe, NO way in hell.... I bet if I said yes, catbee would drive to wherever I was at that moment & smack some sense into me!!

I would consider catbee's place cos its like five minutes away from home as opposed to the other one which is the city...then she tells me "Oh, they moved you know to a bigger office due to the expansion. Old Klang Road. And, and they work Saturdays". What? Where? Thanks but no thanks I'll pass on this one...

I have two days to consider my ex-boss' offer. The hubby did say a couple of days back "You need to go back to work". "Why?" I ask. He replies "So that you can use your shoes, clothes & bags that you bought"... Hardy har har, plenty funny!!

If I do go back into the work-force I would need to arrange transportation for the daughter for after school / activities, extra classes.. and I won't be home often enough to 'nag' at her & I know the cat (the four legged creature) will have a gala time lying on whatever, wherever he wants and being his brattiest..

Sigh!! :-( confusius confusius... Should I? Shouldn't I?


Anonymous said...

like i said, there are good & bad...honestly,u need to go back to work...

plain jane said...

tuty - reason being??

Anonymous said...

nk bgtau kat sini ke????