
This transpired a while ago with another of my 'what was I thinking' friends... (the ones in red are the SMS-es I received & in blue, my replies)

Amoi, u wanna watch anita sarawak's show tak? Secretaries' wk luncheon @ sime darby convtn ctr

How much?


Wah!! Who else going? U sdn bhd ke??

Me & my mom

When you buying the tix?
Tot of buying tix 2moro. Takut good seats habih.. Hehe..
Gimme your email

Ok la beb buy the tix la Sunday nanti bila jumpa I give u the $$

Ei suka ati aje. U rasa2 tengah bulan I stil have $ meh? Nevermind I try to cari. Anything i cl u whn im going 2 buy k..

La ko ckp nak beli besok..Kena go there personally ke or fill up form?

Ye i beli 2 tix dah $1k ler. I buy la skali 4 u nanti. If possible u bank in ke dlm my a/c. If not, I mintak bapak i dulu...

What's yr account no?
Ke u suruh I beli tix sendiri

Axxxxx XXX Bank (followed by her account no)

Nama penuh wei, aku lum buy over bank tu lagi

Oi..I beli la esok together2 kita duduk sekali
U try google tengok.. :p (and she gives me her full name)

Ya la thats what I thought oso la u belikan dulu then Sunday ni masa kita jumpa lunch aku bayar la cash tu. Lepas tu ckp suka2 ati lak. Takde2 google nama tu takde, google kuntilanak jer keluar muka ko
Betul ah yr account no. Kalu salah bagi masuk acc org lain jgn mintak lagi tau

Takpe..CANTIK kan??

Someone tell me how I am still sane...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aku dah immune dah....