change will do me good?

I was chatting with a friend (2t) through IM a couple of days back & she wanted to know if I decided to take on the job offer with my ex-boss.

So I was telling her about how my ex-boss was kind enough to allow me to do it on a temp basis for two months; at the end of which I can decide if I wanted to be employed or continue being a bum.. 2t was telling me that she felt I should work & I asked her why she thought so.

Miscommunication & a couple of missing words aside, she felt that I have changed since I quit my job & thus felt that I should work so I can get my groove back. I asked her "Changed? How?"

She recalled some conversation we had yonks ago & I said something like "Entahlah, nak mati kot". So she concluded (or not) that I have become quite emo, which she says is not me.

I don't know - is being emotional bad? I do try to see the good in all & the positive side of things but I don't believe that EVERY day is a good day & EVERY time is cheery, smiley, happy happy.

Some days when I feel that I have been misunderstood by people who matter most to me, I do feel sad & down. Or when it's that time of the month & nothing seems to go right, I just want everyone to drop dead.

And as age catches up, I guess I have come to accept things that I cannot change as they are. I have mellowed (no more temper flares) & am more calm and composed.

Maybe in my case, I did really get wiser as I grew older (yes, comments are welcomed & I promise to not delete any even if it's down-right stupid and not at all flattering to me).

Well, maybe that is 2t's perspective that I have changed but I see me as the same old me, just a little more mature. What do you think?

1 comment:

tuty said...

yes...change is good, so, gimme some time to adapt the new you ;)... (sikit jer tukar...)