profiling me

Last year I was called to meet up my ex-boss (yes, she again!!) who offered me a job in the organization she was working with at that time. Well, it wasn't really an interview per say but out of courtesy I filled out the application form & did a profiling questionnaire. Let's just say I already had the job in the bag if I wanted it. She just wanted to submit my 'application' to the CEO for formality sakes.

As I was filling out the questionnaire I was having a chat with her, laughing & at the same time grumbling that I had to complete like a gazillion questions. You know, its like the question - there are four people on the island or something & only one person can be saved, who would that be? type of thing.. ugh, duh!!

So anyways, I did not take up the job offer in the end although she gave me an interesting enough package for me to leave my job at that time. So yesterday over coffee my ex-boss & I were talking about why I did not take up her offer at that time & why she left soon after; she said that the CEO upon the results of my personality profiling wasn't too keen on hiring me. Something about "Oh, she's a right brainer (better than a no brainer no??); She's not a team player (not when the rest are no brainers)" or something to that effect. But my ex-boss was championing me saying "Oh, I have worked with her before & she is good at what she does and I believe that is what is more important, yada yada yada..."

But I turned down the offer way before she saw the results so yeah, I rejected them & not the other way around. Then she asks me if I believe in all this personality profiling. Well, honestly I wouldn't really make my decisions based entirely on it. It does give us a guideline or a brief on what kind of a person you are dealing with.. if you have a woo-hoo in your hands or if you are safe.

And sometimes it also depends on the person's frame of mind when they are filling up the questionnaires. If they are calm, collected maybe the results will be near accurate but if you have the HR executive breathing down your neck every five minutes or so "Eh, I need your answers back like yesterday" or you want to butter the upper management with answers that make you look like the star employee of their entire history, then it would be very misleading.

My previous company's management promised anonymity & employees were encouraged to speak their mind in the questionnaires. But when a couple of employees brought up sensitive issues, I had to play handwriting analyst to find out who the complainants were. Well, to cut a long story short, from then on the employees only had nice things to say about how the bosses are doing a great job with the company & all is hunky dory..

Many moons ago, I did one of this profiling thing prior to a team-building exercise in my place of work. Can't for the life of me recall what I am - Sanguine Choleric or Sanguine Phlegmatic or simply a penguin with a phlegmy cough... but if you want to know what the **toot** I am talking about, go here..

Err, wait I think I have the profiling thing somewhere..anyone interested to know where they fall into?? And like the con jobs consultants who do this, I charge... LOL

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