and you were saying??

Picture this if you will and if you can, tell me what you think..

You hold a very very senior position in an organization. You are buddies with the shareholders of the company (well at least the working ones). You share stories, jokes, small talk with them as though there is no line of hierachy as stated in the organization chart.

One of them tells you a tongue-in-cheek comment his other half made that sort of degraded his status or insulted his intelligence.

You repeat the same to your peers, your subordinates and then some. They have a good laugh albeit a little shocked that this happens to the hotshot. You laugh your head off too finding it hilarious. And they laugh. And you laugh.

So. Question. What does that make you?


thewisekid said...

laughing hyenas???

zewt said...

human after all...

besides... it's the bosses, what's the big deal? :P