perfection within imperfection

"Maam, have you actually given a thought of looking for my replacement?"


"Err, why ah?"

"Cause I'm hoping for you to change your mind..."

"And why would I want to do that?"

"Cause the boss just bought a piece of land & the office will be near your house."

"Just because you may be relocating nearer to where I live doesn't mean I may consider staying on... And I told you already I cannot settle for less than the minimum I am asking for.."

"You know ah, you are so rigid you know. You are not willing to bend a little or compromise when it comes to salary. Other things you can be flexible but money ah..."

"Bending a little is RM200 or so. RM1k is bending a lot already..."

"I told you already mah can negotiate the shortfall to be a bonus at year end...Shh, don't say so loud, the others will hear"

(Been there, heard that, don't care...)

"You know you also not so perfect you know. You have your flaws... I have to supervise your work also. I have to tell you what to do...." (and on and on she goes about the imperfection.... bla bla blardy bla bla)

"Nobody is perfect. Now excuse me, I really have to pee..."

And yeah, perfection is one who confuses newsletter for newspaper (well I suppose there is a link there. news. both may be of paper or virtual); fears files may be retrieved just by having access to one's monitor & not the CPU, seeks out imperfection to assist with trivial simple tasks like changing the toner in the printer or realigning a document in MS Word or Excel & feels their presence is necessary, physically, to enable imperfection to be assigned tasks (definition of having being told what to do).

If this is perfection, thanks but I'll let this one pass. I'd take imperfection and flaws any day.

Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.
- Robert Schuller

Beauty is the product of imperfection. Look at the prettiest natural flower - each petal and leaf will have it's own little flaw and yet how much more beautiful it is compared to a flawless plastic imitation.
- John Mackie

So, yes I will graciously accept the fact that I am indeed a beauty, imperfect with flaws.

Would this be defined as 'imperfection'? A masterpiece by a special 8 year old boy, this is.... (you tell me)

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