a day with them special ones...

So last Thursday came & went. I got up bright & early, sent the daughter to school and then headed on to the child care center.

Pottered around till it was time to go upstairs where the kids have 'circle time'. They sang songs, clapped hands, stomped their feet, nodded and pulled their ears like no tomorrow. After about fifteen minutes of songs, the little ones made their way two floors down to their class.

I was assigned to the toddlers' class. Three kids attended that day, one autistic boy & a pair of GDD (global developmental delays) children (a boy & a girl). They were all aged four.

I sat in on the tutoring of the GDD kids where they were taught to match items, hand & eye coordination, matching shapes. One has to have the patience of a saint to sit with them and walk through the exercises. What a normal child should be able to accomplish in ten minutes or so, these special ones needed an hour.

I didn't however get to sit in on the autistic boy's class but it broke my heart to hear him crying and screaming his way while he learnt parts of his face.

A little play time in between & making sure they don't hurt themselves, then it was meal time. The GDD kids have problems chewing so food had to be soft and mushy. Eating seemed a painful task for them as they struggled to grasp the spoon, scoop the food and feed themselves. Ever wondered how you teach a kid to chew?

Soon after they finished eating, it was time almost time for the kids to leave for the day. But they had a little exercise regime. The GDD boy had to walk around to strengthen his legs (he can't walk without the help of someone holding on to him and assisting him). The autistic boy had to do some balancing exercises, throwing and kicking balls into targets. All the while whilst screaming his little lungs out and crying.

When their parents came to pick them up, you could see the little kids face lighten up and they started blowing kisses and waving goodbyes.

I enjoyed my one day experience and am definitely gonna do this on a voluntary basis. As to if I want to take on a teaching position there for good, I'll have to give it a lot of thought. I don't know if I have what it takes to help these kids cos when they scream I just want to end their torture and stop the lessons. But one has to be tough just go through the screaming, and sobbing and crying to finish the lessons.

I'll just take it one step at a time and see where it takes me....

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