women are from... & men are just...

I'm on FB the same time I'm typing this post. He strikes a conversation asking me what I'm up to. Nothing much really, just cooling off after gym before I hit the showers and get ready for bed.

So he complains about the weather (yes, it's been terribly warm) & says he want to go watch a movie. Go lah, I tell him. Then he rants about how he went to watch a movie once alone & felt akward. Simply cos everyone else around him had either their other half or their families. I told him I too went to catch a movie on my own once, okay jer... Then I suggested that he just watch a movie on DVD or something like that.

So anyways, I'm curious - can't the male species do things on their own. I know my other half cannot go shopping, go out for meals at a restaurant, do the groceries, or watch a movie at the cinema alone. I do it solo all the time. No hal pun!!?? Susah sangat ke?

Enlighten me, someone...