the time is now. or not.

The hubby has for awhile now been telling me that he wants to retire in his mid-40s, have an easy life and play golf every day if not every other day. I asked him if that was even possible as he is one who is not able to sit still & always has something brewing in his head.

He says he's tired of working & wants to enjoy life while he still can. So I tell him to do whatever makes him happy.

Then two weeks back, he completed & closed the books on a project he had been handling for the past seven years (who knew it took that long to build a highway?). And after the final audit meeting he took a week off. In that week, he played golf on all but one day.

He came back every evening sunburned & tired. So, end of the week I ask him how is the preview to retirement. He tells me "Cam nak muntah dah main golf".

So I suppose the retiring & gardening plans are on hold for now....


zewt said...

got a contract to build a highway?

plain jane said...

not him lah his company la. and it's not as glam as it seems. i had to help out with the audit reports also. dunno the terms also main hentam jer. luckily i got it right :D

Tuty Awi said...

ur hubby mmg funny...hehehe

plain jane said...

tengok muka tak sangka lak kan??

Tuty Awi said...

tuh la psl...hahahaha