quantum of...

a tad of dissapointment really. caught the premiere of the 22nd bond movie 'quantum of solace' yesterday with the family. was quite looking forward to it since the casino royale & the yummylicious daniel craig.

the movie started out promising. car chase with loads of dare-devil driving (the aston is gorgeous), shooting & car driving off the cliff. then came the song 'another way to die' by the ever-so-talented alicia keys & jack white. then what do you know, they censored the bloody song...

well, it got all the right ingredients - the car, the babes, exotic locations, the wham & bam that came fast & aplenty.. but something was amiss. and the ridiculous censorship didn't help either. and, no daniel in the buff...tsk!! just a few seconds shot with him in his trunks. sigh.... the baddies weren't mean enough, the gals weren't tough as nails, yadda yadda yadda. well to give credit where its due, its a good watch simply for its actions scenes & ogling at daniel in his sharp suits & tight tees...

ah well, till the next one then.


Anonymous said...

tot i was the only one!
the reviews were good...but, i guess we were expecting the xtra UMPHH factor, eh? ;)

plain jane said...

how does it go again? great minds....