much ado about nothing

its getting quite tiresome to read the papers these days. what else is there but news about the upcoming umno general elections, or some politicos doing what they do best (being morons); or quite possibly some new 'ruling' or 'fatwa' that don't make any sense...

most recently, the national fatwa council advised its fellow muslims who are practising yoga to stop practising for fear that they can deviate from their faith (more here); thus ruling that yoga is 'haram'. to top that, there are also some christian groups are also saying it is wrong for their believers to practise it (here). all because they are of the opinion that practising yoga is related to practising the hindu religion.

practised since 3300 bc, yoga refers to traditional physical & mental disciplines originating from india. while it may have originated as a spiritual practise in hinduism, it has in the modern world evolved to be a form of purely physical exercise just to keep fit & healthy.

i for sure am not praying to the lord krishna when i put my hands in prayer position while doing the mountain pose; or chanting some hindu hymns while doing the breathing exercises. i may attend a wedding or funeral in a church or temple but it does not make me a christian or buddhist or hindu. yes i am a muslim. i may not be the perfect muslim but i am trying to be as good as i can be. i know what i believe in & i doubt very much that practising yoga can deviate me from it.

i am going to continue practising yoga. whether it is 'haram' or otherwise, it is between my creator & me. as long as i practise & believe in the tenets & pillars of the muslim religion, i think i will be alright....

anyhoos, i cheated on him & i am glad i did it...more about that when i have the itch to put up another post.

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