what a pain in the neck

woke up in the middle of the night before with a sharp pain in the neck & shoulder blade area. damn!! disrupted sleep & a sore in the morning saw me through yesterday very helpless. every little action brought pain. took some muscle relaxants, did some strecthes & sort of chilled. it normally takes 24 hours to ease / get better so i just relaxed & hoped today it would be better.

woke up this morning with the pain & worse part is i could even lift my arms. felt like little pins poking my back. aghhh! enough is enough. decided to pay a visit to the friendly albeit pricey doctor. so a jab & rm214 poorer (and a whole lot of medication), i have been instructed to rest - no gym, no heavy lifting. she asked if i needed an mc (medical chit) for work. i asked her if she could issue an mc to excuse me from housework. she laughed...

feeling a tad better now with a little but bearable pain in the neck region, i am hoping it would be much better by later today. don't want to ruin the weekend by sitting upright like a wooden figure and not being able to do anything.

what a pain in the neck & after the jab, in the tush!!

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