liar liar pants on fire...

ever noticed how a local radio station is 'original' in coming out with contests / programs for the listeners? first there's are you smarter than a twelve year old which was ala are you smarter than a fifth grader?. and now there's lie detector (i think that's what its called) ala the moment of truth.

okay, if you are unfamiliar with the above, here's a quick rundown:

are you smarter than a twelve year old (on radio) - tests contestants on question based on year six student's syllabus. contestants are required to answer three questions & if the get it all right, they get bragging rights "i am (name) & i'm a (occupation) and i'm definitely smarter than a twelve year old"

are you smarter than a fifth grader (on the idiot box) - test contestants on questions based on fifth grader's lesson (ie 10 year olds). aiyah, go read more here lah....

lie detector test (on radio) - haven't managed to catch the entire show but i think like the station brings 2 people together (me thinks you gotta submit your detail & the person whom you want the truth to be squeezed out from); ask one fella the question & some expert concludes if its the truth or otherwise. don't really know how its done & how it goes but caught some snippets - one lady said 'i don't care about how much money you bring back home, its not the money. i want you to spend more time with me'. truth or lie? some questions i have heard in passing are 'do you really love me?'; 'do you think your wife is fat' (err, i think the guy said yes & it was the truth).....

the moment of truth (on tv) - again, haven't watched it yet. so get get the details here.... in the ads, i heard questions like 'are you still in love with your ex?'; 'have you ever been paid for sex?'

so i ask you, if you were in the position where you had to be asked such intimate or akward question what would you do? and how true is the polygraph / lie detector thing results? can one lie truthfully? and can the other party handle the truth? my answers to the questions above - yes, nah, hell no, yes (in no particular order or maybe it is, i'm not telling).. go figure!! of course mine would be 'do you think your husband is fat?'.

and if you are wondering why i put the are you smarter thing earlier, no apparent reason really... heh heh heh, so sue me.

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