i'm not missing me

yeah, its been a while since i logged on on the laps of mine & updated my blog. so what's been happening lately since i last rambled? nothing much really.

merdeka day - 31st august 2008
merdeka day came & went. it was the nation's 51st independence. it was a sunday so slept in a bit. at about 9ish, the hubby & i decided to have breakfast of nasi lemak bungkus & half boiled telur ayam kampung. mid breakfast, there was a black-out. then the daughter called said there's a black-out at home & ustaz cannot come up to the unit. so we had to call the ustaz to postpone the class. went back home. luckily the emergency lift was working, lest we have to walk all the way up to the 16th floor. thankfully the weather was bearable so we weren't hot & sweaty. went out for lunch & hoped for the electricity to come back after we got back but no such luck. a call to the guardhouse & they confirmed 'sedang dibikin puan'. a couple of hours later, a call to tnb & they said 'oh there's some maintenance work going on. it should be back in a while'. battery on all the laptops are out (thanks to the daughter & yours truly playing games). the hubby went out golfing, so the daughter & i went to a relatives place nearby. hung around till 7ish, then headed home for dinner. came back from dinner, still utter darkness. well, nothing to do in the dark.. so it was an early night for us & the cat included, sprawled out in the living room. just before midnight, the power came back on. lugged our blankies & pillows back to the rooms for a more comfortable sleep... and the next day is the first day of ramadhan

first day of ramadhan
time flew by & before we knew it, the fasting month beckons again. thankfully, today is a public holiday. woke up at 4am, woke the other two up for the sahur meal. for one whole month a year, we don't take rice & contribute a minimal portion of moolah to dutch lady (milk), kelloggs, nestle & post (cereal & oatmeal) - as this is our staple diet during the sahur.

as we abstain from food, drinks, smoking, all things evil (see, speak, hear, think) & sex - somehow there is a certain calm in us. no swearing (see, my post is swear free. now don't you wish this lasts, eh??). and it helps to rid our bodies of toxins & the shedding of a couple of kilos (or grams) is a plus. but only to put it all back in one day on the first day of raya. ahh, maybe won't pig out so much then... to make it more interesting the hubby & i are having a 'contest' to see who loses more by the end of ramadhan...

here & there...
so in between, i have been watching a lot of movies on dvd. will post soon on whats good & whats trash.. or at least what i think anyway...

oh!! mama olly popped & we welcome oliver kwok into the world. a healthy 3.1kg (me thinks) baby boy prince of con & ian. such a cutie (till he screams that is i suppose)...congrats mama olly.

so to my fellow muslims out there, selamat berpuasa & have a safe one.

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