i think i do

the hubby volunteered to prepare this morning's sahur meal as yours truly is on a break. jools-wannabe decide to make burgers (albeit it being of the frozen type, never mindlah) & potato wedges. so the night before...

him: dah potong the kentang? (have you cut the potatoes?)
her: err, no. you can do that in the morning
him: tak sempat nanti (there won't be enough time). cut & put in the fridge lah
her: no needlah. it won't take very long to cut the potatoes la. okay lah, i'll help you *sigh*
him: okay okay. took our the burgers from the freezer 'd?
her: yesssssssss
him: wah!! so effecient one!!
her: then what you thought??
him: you bangun (waking up) ke tomorrow?
her: ya... i'm not so mean lah

so i had to drag my sleepy self out of bed at 330am to help him prepare the sahur meal. then when everything is ready, he says 'make scrambled eggs lah'... make la, make la...

well at least, after me washing up & clearing things - he was kind enough to let me sleep instead of turning on the tv. yeah, he did some time early this week. after the sahur meal, at about 430am he turned on the tv & was channel surfing whilst watching a series of live sporting events. of course i couldn't sleep with the glare & the noise from the tv. before i knew it, it was time to wake the daughter up & get ready to send her to school. just as i was about to get ready to start the day, darling hubby turns off the tv at 630am & is cozily going off to zzzzz land. huh!!??

that's him - my other half. god only knows how much i love him to death but there are times i just wanna smack his head.....


Anonymous said...

forget sahur...let's do buka soon :)

plain jane said...

boleh aje. when, where?