i do, i don't, i think i do.......

some time ago, a local daily reported an upcoming wedding of a local celebrity & her beau. what interests me is not the fact that she is a famous figure & that she is marrying a mat-salleh but her perception of marriage. i quote.......

"marriage should be easy & simple. personally, it is no different to going out or dating. i do not want to perceive it as something heavy."

"it should not be a burden or about each other's responsibility. it should simply be about love & enjoying each other's company and looking after one another."

so, here's the thing - is marriage as easy & simple as she puts it?

**no different to going out or dating? when you are dating, the guy puts the lady on a pedestal to worship, short of kissing the ground she walks on. they hold hands, he is the perfect gentlemen, nothing is good enough for his gal. the guy chauffeurs the girl everywhere she wants to go. i knew a girl whose boyfried who would wait for her to finish her class (which is about 6 hours) & he did this without fail every weekend. her boyfriend would send her to & pick her up from any place she wanted to go. if she was hanging out with her friends, he would be just 'somewhere nearby' waiting for her to call. i told her to savour it while it lasts 'cos after marriage, he's just pass you the car keys (if you can drive) or tell you to take the public transport.....

**do not want to perceive it as something heavy? it has been proven that men grow around the waistline after marriage (just a matter of how fast & how much they grow, it varies for different men). it has been said that it shows the men are in their happily ever after fairy tale & its a sign of prosperity. my take on that? these lazy asses are like guppies or gold-fishes who are always hungry & asking the wife 'anything to eat ah? hungry lah...' if as a bachelor, they could cook up a mean dish, after marriage they will just tell you 'alamak, lupa lah how to cook. lama tak masuk dapur. masak maggi boleh lah...' i should know, i am living that fairy tale now....how not to be heavy if you waist has expanded from 28" to 34"??? (ladies a tip - if your hubby says he's hungry like at 11pm, just tell him to drink water. its quite filling. he may sulk a while but soon enough he'll get used to it & probably drink water or cook maggi... i tried.)

** it should not be a burden or about each other's responsibility? yes, him nagging you & always checking what's for breakfast, lunch & dinner is a burden. LOL. and yes, it my sole responsibility to feed him....

**it should simply be about love & enjoying each other's company and looking after one another? yes, he also loves that i sit to accompany him & look at him eat his maggi...

but jokes aside, its not all about love (cos sometimes you just want to smack him on the head & tell him to piss off), or enjoying each other's company (honey, aren't you playing golf today? you haven't played in a while). along the way, you do fall out of love & as cliche as it is you need to find ways to keep it alive.

many couples i know stop dating after they get hitched. one jackass proudly claimed 'i haven't been to the movies with her(the wife) since we got married. it's such a waste of money...' and when you have kids, you can hardly go anywhere without them hanging on to the parents legs for dear life. worse still once they have memorized your number & know how to use the phone, you'll get a 'when / what time are you coming home?'

i have been married for what seems like eternity (ha ha) & trust me, it was and is a lot of hard work, tlc, patience, understanding, compromise & what-have-you to keep it going & alive. i love him to death (yes although i still want to smack him for being so bloody annoying) & we have been through so much - good & bad. his boss once gave him a metaphor just like a day before we got married.... "marriage is like a mini bus. here you are trying to get in while everyone else is trying to get out". needless to say i told his boss to shut up....

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