all good things come in threes

i know three ladies who have been friends for eternity (well it seems like it) & will hopefully continue to do so till death do them part....what are they like? three equally stubborn, hard-headed, strong character, most annoying women you will have the 'displeasure' of knowing.

them three are going through a misunderstanding (well two of them anyway, that's why the 3rd is a mediator). this post is dedicated to them three, an insight to who they are or may be, whether they complement each other or its just a matter of time they strangle each other to death.... be it some truth or untruth in it...... hopefully, by the time i write my next post, it's just another day in paradise.

woman #1 - gargavel.
soul urge 50/5 - the song of you soul - variety is what drives her. for this reason travel, the arts, education and self expression are areas where she is likely to be found. freedom to choose, to move about without limitation, to absorb information and to observe life are imperative to her inner health & happiness. she craves stimulation and may be drawn to exhilarating adventures and death-defying sports. her sensual nature will lead the way.

personality 54/9 - people seem to be drawn to her for absolution. she emanate forgiveness, compassion and understanding. her charming & generous personality brings her love & good luck in abundance. many people will be attracted to her because of her idealistic & romantic nature. she expresses herself in the way she dresses, & it can range from dramatically bold to mystically romantic to "struggling artist".

expression 104/5 - she uses life changes like rungs on a ladder. growth, variety, beginnings & endings are constant elements in her life. she is able to let go of anything or anyone in order to further her growth. because of this ability, coupled with a talent for translating new ideas into logical, useful explanations, she would make a great teacher and/or writer. travel is something she is made for, even if only through her mind.

woman #2 - baby girl
soul urge 36/9 - her life revolves around giving & receiving love. her desire, however, includes the whole of humanity & a few races besides. compassion, passion & forgiveness make up her essence & she is very generous & impressionable. the fine arts call out to her & she may in fact have a master artist living inside of her.

personality 49/13/4 - she appears to be conservative, practical & hard working to those who spend time around her. people think of her as disciplined & focused, and thus they seem to automatically trust that she is reliable & honest too. some may think she does such a good job at her own responsibilities that they try to give her a few of theirs!

Expression 85 / 13 / 4 - she is the builder of the world. with her organized, efficient approach everything gets done right the first time. she emanates security & would sacrifice her own desires for family and anyone or anything else that she considered a responsibility. she has a relentless eye for value & quality and has the patience & determination to work for it.

woman #3 - mediator
soul urge 44/8 - achievement is her motivating force & she will take on the biggest challenge in order to make the longest strides. she will often be chosen as the leader in groups and in functions where organization, strength and determination is needed. psychology interests her because it enables her to understand the people she is leading, as well as the competition. inside, she has the need to excel.

personality 43/7 - there is an air of mystery and secrecy about her. she is poised & sophisticated, & prefers to dress in a clean, well-groomed & understated way. she seems unapproachable to others because of her introspective & analytical temperament. she is the philosophical loner, the probing seeker, and only those of like-mind really understand.

expression 87/15/6 - family & home are her main interests. she knows how to nurture & accept anyone, therefore many are drawn to her including those that others call 'strays'. she has an eye for anything beautiful & her home is sure to reflect this, no matter what her budget is. she is proud of all her possessions & especially of the talents of her family members. her generous, creative nature makes her the ideal host or guest at a party.

don't ask me what them numbers mean but if you want to give it a shot, go to http://www.numberquest.com/knowledge_free_numerology_calculator_name.php. there is some truth in it, if you ask me....

ps. i've tried putting an easier link to the url above, but some friends had problems accessing it. so i have put it there in its full glory

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