heartless hr

In my previous company, there was a year they declared 'HR with a Heart' where they wanted to promote a friendlier, more approachable HR department. So I was supposed to have a heart, to empathize with the employees and feel for them; seeing that I was (is?) a heartless bitch and all.

So anyways, to cut a long story short - I had to have a heart for one whole year. Did it work? I have no clue.

But then again, heartless bitch or no - I always am a firm believer of giving what is due to the employee and taking away what is not rightfully meant to be. So in the new company, since I am checking the claims I am practising the same mantra.

But Super Dino tells me - "No, if they don't claim for meal allowance, you don't simply simply give it to them. You don't follow them around for their business trip so you don't know if they take their meals or not. Or if they entertain or not."

What gives? Do I rebut her statement? Honestly, I don't give a shit that SHE doesn't have a heart. Suka hatilah, she is the HR goddess anyways...I'm just here for as long as they don't irritate the hell out of me.


zewt said...

i wish there are more HR ppl like you. some of the HR ppl i have dealt with.... they treat the company like theirs and their fellow employees like dirt... they refer to the company as "we" and the employees as "them".

plain jane said...

ya, i don't what's with these HR ppl anyways. they have this 'i am god' complex.

hiring? :D

zewt said...

haha... you dont want to get into the HR where i am working...

plain jane said...

lexy - thanks for the vote of confidence. i miss you & evil twin too....