reading behind the lines

I'm just a little into four months in my new job and there's already a complaint that I am a biatch and out of line. See, recently the company underwent a rebranding exercise and came up with new logos and such. So they decided to centralize the printing of stationeries at HQ to ensure uniformity, bla bla bla.

I sent out a mail that read 'We will only be centralizing the printing of office stationeries for letterheads, envelopes, complimentary slips & calling cards. For other eg computer forms, payment vouchers, invoices, etc that you require for your respective companies, it is not feasible or cost effective to print in KL only to spend extra in freight. As such, I have attached the revised logo for you to do the necessary with getting quotes for the items you need additionally. Do let us know the pricing though.' to the respective PIC in the subsidiaries.

Fast forward... I get summoned by the woman simply to be asked if I sent out a mail to say that I'm very busy and I can't be looking into the printing of stationeries so please bugger off and go play far-far.. She wanted to be copied on all email I send out re administrative issues, etc etc etc. Then she tells me that someone someone said my so called mail was rude (the tone of it. Hmm, maybe they read it loud and angry??) and that I have gone out of line and I am a biatch (well she didn't exactly say the word biatch but I know what it meant lah)...

So, tell me? Read between, behind, under, above and where-have-you and pray tell me, your interpretation of my mail...

I am not to bothered about how people want to interpret or misinterpret what they read but I am simply annoyed at how duh they can be. Conpuse aku!!??

And my evil twin is updating my 'board of bitch' on my latest accomplished. I'll put a pic of the BOB when I get it from her...


zewt said...

perhaps the reason why u were asked to send out this mail was becos... the real sender already saw this coming? :P

plain jane said...

oooo, doppelganger?? spookieeeeee