littlest things...

I got a very strange message or more like was told something that I find strange, this morning. See, I have a select few friends. When we meet of course the casual hugs & kisses is nothing out of the ordinary.

And I myself do the same hugs & kisses routine with some of my male friends, whom I have no feelings towards & them to me. I do this in public (well not in front of my MIL for she might give my hubby an earful) but the hubby himself is okay with it.

So anyways, back to what I was told. On a recent visit to a good friend's place we said our goodbyes with the girlfriend & me doing the norm hugs & kisses routine. My hubby who treated her nothing more than a younger sister did the same. They hugged, a quick peck on the check & said goodbye.. Well, it seemed harmless & I thought nothing of it although it took me by surprise (a wee bit) cos the hubby isn't the kind who does this to my friends especially. But I guess, I have known her for a number of years now & she's practically the younger adik we never had. So I shrugged it off...

So this morning, she calls me to tell me that she's been wanting to tell me something for a long time now but never found the guts to do so. Seems the little act of affection that my hubby displayed with her didn't go down to well with her other half. And to cut a long story short, she was told not to see me & him and god knows what other restrictions.

The hubby & I were at crossroads - do we go for the lunch tomorrow? Or do we stay away? Well, we were invited by the parents, not my girlfriend. But we don't want our presence there to cause animosity. We decided to 'buat bodoh' with the friend's other half & go for the do anyway just to 'bagi muka' kat the parents. Why must his parents-in-law or his son pay for his sins right?

Anyhoos...I don't know. Is it wrong for a harmless hug & a quick peck on the cheek? Is my hubby that intimidating? Why is he so insecure? It's not like my hubby went around behind my back, did the nasty or something like that. I was there... And I know for sure there were no ill intents. Really now????

1 comment:

plain jane said...

hmm apa lak 2t? hmm pelik? hmm nak gelak? hmm geram? hmm dun give a $hiT?

aku pun tengah hmm ni...hmm ngantuk.