over the hill...

Heard on the radio some time back that some women over 30 are not comfortable revealing their true age. Really?? I wonder why...

My 42nd birthday (yes 42 - you heard me loud and clear) is peeking from just round the corner & I am none the prouder to declare my true age. Would I change things or turn back time if I could? Nope.

Life begins at 30 or 40 or 50 - realistically, it is when you want it to begin. When you want to make good of it. Are you proud of or disappointed with what you have achieved or what you may have missed? Well I am proud of all that I have gone through..good or bad. My mantra - Everything happens for a reason. So good or bad, I take it in my stride. What didn't kill me made me stronger.

Would I want to go back being 20 or below 30? No way... I am happy with what I have become. More confident, mature (or so it seems) and having a blast at life. Why would I want to settle for anything less?

So there, I am over the hill and damn proud of it!!

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