no, its really not funny

in any relationship be it with friends or family - what is the one thing that comes in the way & causes it all to fall apart; regardless of what you have shared & gone through?

cliché as it may sound, money is indeed the root of all evil. its something we need & can't do without yet too much of it, and it slowly but surely destroys us. so, it would suffice to me that we have enough for the necessities in life & yes at times for the pleasures and comfort it can buy us.

when the daughter was young, she used to sigh & wish we were filthy rich. see, some of her friends were anak datuk lah who at a very young age were flying half way round the world for the school holidays. and at that very young age, she was able to comprehend when i told her that money isn't everything. we don't have to be stinking rich - as long as we are comfortable (yeah and what i said above) & we don't have to beg, borrow or steal, we are doing okay. not sure if she still thinks the same though.

yeah, i like the bags & the shoes & the clothes & the bling but its something i can do without. i have been there, i have survived & there is no reason i would die without it.

why am i telling you this? its a long story but to cut it short - a slight misunderstanding happened between some family members & us. what we did for so long with nothing but the best intentions at heart was misinterpreted as them owing us money. when she uttered the word "aku ada hutang kau duit ke?"; it practically stabbed us in the heart & we felt so sad. we thought that she would understand us & know that we did what we did because we loved her so dearly.

well, like i believe - everything happens for a reason & this episode is no different. this too shall pass.....

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