here's to something new

okay so i have changed the layout a bit:

- no more sad dog but tulips that have the calming & fresh effect;
- no more bossy heartless biatch ( i guess no morons to ruffle your feathers sort of sobers you a bit) but plain jane who is anything but plain
- even changed my blog url to blablablarants 'cos this is more like a way to vent my thoughts on somewhat unimportant yet real issues, giving my two sens worth (or perhaps more) & to bitch & whine when & where possible. and also dear ivan sort of doubted my earlier sexys-back address, which somehow isn't me apparently. oh well....

a kind samaritan managed to salvage some of my posts (i can only say thank you to sandals boi so many times), so i would repost one particular post 'dare to fail' that apparently touched a chord in some of my friends. right place, right time - i was pleasantly surprised when they thanked for writing it when i did. maybe they were going through a rough patch & somehow needed some kind words or just comfort knowing that they are not alone.

so there, this is my blog - a journal of my thoughts, emotions, principles, opinions & what-have-you. read it - if it inspires & comforts you then i am happy that i was able to help in a little way. if it offends, then i am sorry. laugh, cry, scream, swear - let it out & you will feel much better after that.

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