tis the season...

2009 has gone. 2010 is here...

If you are thinking its a new year post & all the "Happy New Year, may it be filled with..." crap, stop reading now!!

If you know HR well enough, now is the time for bonuses & increments (subject that the Company is perfoming, same ole, same ole). Pretty soon, we'll be checking our payslips to see the winning numbers. Normally, duit keluar dulu then surat. Mana you nak dulu? Duit ke surat?

In unusual cases where the letters are the former rather than the latter, you expect to be given a letter only if it bears good news. But have you ever come across where you dapat zilch pun, they give you letter?

A dear friend told me of her company who does just that. Nothing better to do ah these people?

Dear Jane,

We are pleased (you damn sure the company is damn pleased) to inform that you have been given a bonus of RM0 & an annual increment of RM0. We trust that you are pleased with this. We thank you for your contribution & bla bla bla.

Yours sincerely,
Jack (Ass)

See, I don't even know how this bloody letter is supposed to sound? Enlighten me?


Tuty Awi said...

from ground floor to 10th floor with 300+ staff, they have TIME to do that...

plain jane said...

ahhh, thats where it came from?? history 101?