A certain pop princess got a RM40k LV limited edition bag from her beloved hubby. And being the tabloid they are, it was reported that it was wayyyy cheaper than her first gift from him a RM800k sports car, second year RM200k watch. I'm sure the reporter rubbed this fact in her face, to which she replied something like "It doesn't matter, as long as he loves me. I've always wanted a limited edition LV bag"....So being the kepoh I am, I found this. After you have 20 LVs in your collection, does another one really make that much of a difference? Oh yeah, I forgot it's limited...
Then again, do they find it absolutely necessary to report what she gets for her birthday every year? Any guesses what the value is gonna be at? My hubby causticly commented that she should be worried on the declining factor...
Sour grapes much?? Alah, apa susah, use the supplementary card (yes we have our own principal cards but its always good to keep a supplementary where HE has to pay) to buy whatever we want, then sweetly tell him "You bought me this..." which in truth, he did technically. He paid, you just picked it out.
Damn!! The Birkin won't cost as much would it?? Aiyah, cannot keluar Metro lah liddat.... Oh wait!! I ain't no pop princess. Sigh.....

i baru lepas menyumpah2 email about this pop princess birthday gift. is it necessary to publish?????? not because im jealous (bag tu hodoh sgt okay!) but still.... blergh...
oh got email with gambar ah? yang tu jer aku tak dapat kot..
cantik tak cantik janji berjenama & kualiti, camana komen dia? hahahah, i wudn't know much abt LV, not a huge fan. Only got 1 but not limited lah..as long as he loves me. *bats lashes*
wat to do, nilah wartawan kita. benda yang pelik2nye dia gi report. like we care what she carries lah...
in the first place, why report about her life at all (besides concerts). the thing about our newspaper sigh...
zewt - garbage sells i suppose. no $3x pls we're malaysians.
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