Is there a rule somewhere outlining Facebook etiquette? On what remarks to leave, what to say, what not to say, when not to be an ass?
A friend posted a picture taken at another friend's son's birthday party. Well, we may not have looked our best in the pic & looked rather lost or as she put it 'poyo'. So she put in a remark to comment on our expressions in the pic.. And we had an exchange of mindless comments that would only makes sense to the three of us. Although one of the trio was mostly the silent one simply because she didn't have easy access to FB at that time.
This was like what, donkey years ago... So anyways, one guy let's call this one Ass - he became friends with the girl who posted the pic, thus having access to view her album. He came across this picture I mentioned above & gave a rather dumb senseless remark like "Sebab takut nak balik rumah" (his justification to our 'poyo' look). So my friend replied his remark with "Doesn't make sense" & I just had to add on "As the saying goes, if you have nothing nice (or intelligent might I add) to say, zip it".
And he just had to do it with "Didnt read something intelligent at all here anyway. Just FMTPO!" & of course I had to give him a piece of my mind. Well, he's yet to reply. I'm waiting. Patiently. Am I waging a war? You bet your ass I am.
At first I thought my friend knew him well so I asked her why he was making remarks like that? She said that she didn't know him personally just as an FB friend cos he kept bugging her to add him as a friend. Ass or not? Dah lah desperate giler & then had the audacity say senseless things about people he doesn't even know. WTF?
And just in case you didn't know - FMTPO is the acronym for "For Me To Poop On". How is that relevant to what he said is also beyond me. Go figure. Anyone knows what its supposed to mean? But then again, he does have shit for brains, so. And here's my message to him....

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