Just last Friday, a friend & I attended a 'reunion' with some ex-classmates; Six Formers of the most notorious school in KL (well it once was, don't know if it still is). Got the message from another fellow FBian. Read the mail, went through the list of confirmed attendees. Some names sounded familiar but couldn't place a face to the name. Didn't know if I could confirm my attendance as the family was supposed to go away.
Went to Bangkok, came back. Reunion's just a couple of days away. Called my friend & we decided to go & check it out. If we recognize at least half, we'll stay. Otherwise, we'll just sneak away without anyone missing us. So we went without knowing what to expect.
Venue was Cochine at Asian Heritage Row. Arrived. Went up to the dining area, some faces looked familiar. Being the blunt me, I go "I know your face, I don't know your name". Then they give us tags to write our names. Ahhh, much better. Then it all falls into place. Ya, ya, we were classmates. Seems they remember me more than I do them. And obviously for the wrong reasons. Don't ask me!! I am Mother Theresa incarnate remember??
Someone whisks out the yearbook. Oh dear God!! We go through the pictures & laugh our asses off!! It was a night of reminiscing those good old days when there wasn't a care in the world except for passing our exams (not necessarily with flying colors, mind you) & trying not to end up on the podium on Monday morning assemblies (well at least for the guys).
It was hilarious & amazing, looking at them 40 year olds trying to relive prom night to the blare of Tarzan Boy, One Night in Bangkok, YMCA & the unforgettable 80s tunes. For products of the most gangster school in KL, most of them are doing well in their chosen field. A few legal eagles (some say loyar buruk), one Prime Minister to be (just make sure no one catches you at Klang Bak Kut Teh), one renowned artist (who looked more like a Japo tourist that nite with his DSLR round his neck, minus the shorts & long socks), one drunken goat & then the rest...it was an amazing night.

Now, I am indeed proud to say "Yes, I have been to Setapak High School & I made some juniors stick their arms into the ponds where the boys used to pee!!!" SMT rules!! And them Johannians can kiss our @$$$3$ anytime!!