come together...
Just last Friday, a friend & I attended a 'reunion' with some ex-classmates; Six Formers of the most notorious school in KL (well it once was, don't know if it still is). Got the message from another fellow FBian. Read the mail, went through the list of confirmed attendees. Some names sounded familiar but couldn't place a face to the name. Didn't know if I could confirm my attendance as the family was supposed to go away.
Went to Bangkok, came back. Reunion's just a couple of days away. Called my friend & we decided to go & check it out. If we recognize at least half, we'll stay. Otherwise, we'll just sneak away without anyone missing us. So we went without knowing what to expect.
Venue was Cochine at Asian Heritage Row. Arrived. Went up to the dining area, some faces looked familiar. Being the blunt me, I go "I know your face, I don't know your name". Then they give us tags to write our names. Ahhh, much better. Then it all falls into place. Ya, ya, we were classmates. Seems they remember me more than I do them. And obviously for the wrong reasons. Don't ask me!! I am Mother Theresa incarnate remember??
Someone whisks out the yearbook. Oh dear God!! We go through the pictures & laugh our asses off!! It was a night of reminiscing those good old days when there wasn't a care in the world except for passing our exams (not necessarily with flying colors, mind you) & trying not to end up on the podium on Monday morning assemblies (well at least for the guys).
It was hilarious & amazing, looking at them 40 year olds trying to relive prom night to the blare of Tarzan Boy, One Night in Bangkok, YMCA & the unforgettable 80s tunes. For products of the most gangster school in KL, most of them are doing well in their chosen field. A few legal eagles (some say loyar buruk), one Prime Minister to be (just make sure no one catches you at Klang Bak Kut Teh), one renowned artist (who looked more like a Japo tourist that nite with his DSLR round his neck, minus the shorts & long socks), one drunken goat & then the rest...it was an amazing night.
Now, I am indeed proud to say "Yes, I have been to Setapak High School & I made some juniors stick their arms into the ponds where the boys used to pee!!!" SMT rules!! And them Johannians can kiss our @$$$3$ anytime!!
she did it!!
As I was getting ready, the hubby stirred as he slowly slithers out of bed to get ready for our daily ritual of having breakfast before I go off to work. Then we hear the daughter waking up and getting ready for shower. Hmmm, she's up early. Did I wake her up, he asks. No, I reply. Maybe she's anxious about her results.
No matter, the dad is bringing her to school to take the results. I have been excused. She didn't think it necessary for me to be there, to add on to the anxiety I suppose. 10am comes, okay... results are out.
10.30am, my phone rings with a familiar tune. It's the hubby's number. Oh dear, I can hear my heart thumping out loud. I say hello in a slow voice (which is so unlike me). I hear the daughter on the other end. "Ma, I got 8As!!"
I scream, cry & laugh all at once!! Oh dear God, this was soooooo unexpected. Not that I doubted her ability but she said the BM & Science were tough. This is indeed a pleasant surprise. The dad & I are sooooo proud of her & for the rest of the day, cannot stop smiling. I thank her for this wonderful gift & tell her that I love her.
Okay time for rewards - father gets a new set of irons, mother gets a new handbag & daughter gets a holiday next year (& probably the good ole moolah).
I'm still smiling. Two more years & I'll go through this again. Ahhh, the joy of being parents!!!
wrapped around your finger
A Boy’s FIRST Condom
I recall my first time with a condom, I was 16 or so. I went in to buy a packet of condoms at the pharmacy.
There was this beautiful woman assistant behind the counter, and she could see that I was new at it. She handed me the package,and asked if I knew how to wear one. I honestly answered, ‘No, this is my first time.’
So she unwrapped the package, took one out and slipped it over her thumb.. She cautioned me to make sure it was on tight and secure. I apparently still looked confused. So, she looked all around the store to see if it was empty.... It was empty.
‘Just a minute,’ she said, and walked to the door, and locked it. Taking my hand, she led me into the back room, unbuttoned her blouse, and removed it. She unhooked her bra, and laid it aside. ‘Do these excite you?’ she asked. Well, I was so dumb-struck, that all I could do was nod my head.
She then said itwas time to slip the condom on. As I was slipping it on, she dropped her skirt, removed her panties and lay down on a desk. ‘Well, come on’, she said, ‘We don’t have much time.’ So I climbed on her....It was so wonderful, that unfortunately, I could no longer hold back, and KAPOW, I was done within a few moments.
She looked at me with a bit of a frown. ‘Did you put that condom on?’ she asked. I said, ‘I sure did,’ and with a smile, held up my thumb, to show her.
about you now
The daughter is turning 16 soon, one and half months to go. Her exam results are coming out tomorrow. Are we nervous? A tad probably (I cannot tell a lie). The hubby is trying to maintain his cool but I suppose he won't be able to sleep tonight. The daughter? She is keeping her calm but I guess as much she is as excited (or not) & nervous. Who wouldn't be? We've been there, we know how it feels...
Will it be what we expect? We honestly do not know what to expect. Of course we hope & pray for the best. She has done her best, we have supported her in any way we can. And now we leave it to the great scheme of life. Whatever the outcome is tomorrow, we accept. What's done is done, right? She is supposed to decide on her course of studies as it will determine what she wants to do in life. She's fifteen going on sixteen for heaven's sake. But then again, its a dog eat dog world out there. If we don't join in the rat race, we'd be left behind. If we get too caught up in it, what is there left?
I've always been of the opinion that raising kids in this day & age is definitely a challenge. We've tried to impart to her what we did not get from our parents, to teach her things they don't teach in schools. Independence, loving yourself, principles in life, lessons in life, etc. She is at this stage where it can be sunshine one minute & thunderstorms the next. She can be happy one second, blink and she's grumpy as hell. Been there, done that... so we try.
We give her the responsibility of choosing & deciding for herself, to be accountable and bear the outcome of her actions whatever it may be, we listen to what she has to say... we try not to say "I told you so" or "Because I said so" (well the father did try the "because I am your father and because I said so" only to be asked "ya, but why" so we know that doesn't work).
I've only got a couple of years to go while she is still with us, so I am making the best of it. Come college years, she may be away from us no one really knows although the father is trying to make sure she attends college or university near to home. She may be in a foreign land pursuing her dreams. As the saying goes, 'When you really love someone, set it free.' I am setting her free to learn, to do, to dress, to be friends with whomever as she pleases. She knows her limits, her friends are decent & a good influence on her, she knows we are there for her if she needs us.
As parents, do we listen to our kids? 'Do we have that attitude of 'I'm the adult, you're the kid. What do you know? You should listen to me'? Do we doubt their abilities, deprive them of speaking their mind, voicing their opinions & concerns, their knowledge? Do we have such huge egos that just deters us from admitting we are wrong, to apologize? Do we pressure them so much to have a life we dream of instead of what they dream of? Do we want what's best for us or them? Do we allow them to experience life, fall, feel the pain & disappointment and pick themselves and tell them 'Hey, that's life.' Or do we protect them so much that that they are disillusioned?
Yes, they may have their heads in the clouds at times and it is our responsibility to bring them down to earth & explain things to them. Don't just dismiss their childish fantasies. It's always a phase they go through & one fine day, they will stop to realise that there are more important perspectives in life than running away to join the circus.
How they turn out to be is a result of what we have taught them. The kind of person they will grow up to be is the kind of person we are now. And vice versa.
i is you am
Subsection 1 - For outstation employee who travels by car to attend an early morning meeting, he may be allowed to claim one night hotel accommodation under his category.
Subsection 2 - For outstation employee who travels by car to attend an early morning meeting, no overnight hotel is necessary, unless otherwise being prior informed.
Subsection 3 - After meetings, all are to return on same day/night. Additional night accommodation needed will be subject to prior approval by HOD.
Subsection something - Any amount exceeding the above (a table of contents outlining the entertainment entitlement is given), prior approval from Exco or HOD must be obtained before entertaining. Failure to adhere, no reimbursement will be granted.
thank god its thursday
...our office in Telekong (it took me a while to decipher this to be Telok Kalong)
...a separator must be separated so that can see.
Two more hours and I'm out of here!! Then it's bliss till year end as super bc-cw flies to the land of dim-sum & weird buns...
blurry blurry day...
Visibility is non-existent now. Haze too thick. Index very high. Please stay indoors.
four nites in bangkok & the world's not my kerang
Altitude sickness, sinus giving problems - check. But that was within control. Scheduled tours - check. Disadvantage? Hubby didn't like waking up at god-forsaken hours, bathe quickly, chow down breakfast & wait for tour guide to arrive. Sigh....
But we survived the trip there. Nobody killed anyone. We went & came back in one piece. Tempers flared here & there but he soon came to his senses. Some things aren't supposed to be regimented. We are supposed to be on holiday. Chill lah...
All in all, it turned out alright. We each had our fun in our own way. We saw what we wanted to see, did what we wanted to do (and then some but of course..) & ate what we wanted to eat (or probably not, I don't know).
Of course he had to say "Next time, you must arrange one day to the palace, one day to the musuem, one day to the art center (or something like that) bla bla bla..."
My reply? "No next time. This is the first & the last we are all going together on a trip. Next time, it'll just be me & the daughter."
On the plane back home, he asks "So next year are we going to London to see (my nephew who is studying there & will be graduating)?" I simply told him "No, no with you our destinations are only restricted to (his hometown - this was meant to be sarky), Langkawi, Penang & Singapore".
He replied "Wah belum sampai rumah dah kena slap on the face"
Me said "Saper suruh tanya soalan bodoh..."
who's enjoying life when they are alive
What are your favorite pastime/hobbies? How did you get involved in it?
I just love to enjoy, have fun, travel meeting family & friends to spend time with all of them. And I have passion in fashion/apparel thus am spending extra time in my biz (gives site)
What is/are your favorite sports? Do you play it and are you still actively involved? Who is your favourite sports star?
I like simple sports like Yoga and would like to try few more.
What is your favorite color, food, places to visit?
Various color and white is my top preference. I love food thus I tried everything when I travel and will sometimes search for my favorites places.
What is your secret to keep yourself healthy/slim/young? How do you do it?
I love eat thus don’t think could get slim enough and I will love to look slim if I can.
What advice do you give to your colleagues on the above or any other advice?
Do & eat whatever we like and most important smile more.
Tell us a little bit about yourself and your family.
My parents have 6 of us i.e. 4 girls & 2 boys and am younger daughter. My mum pampered me as am youngest daughter and make sure I got enough as I eat pretty slow =). My Dad loves his favorite so will spend more time having his favorites food over the weekend. Ya I have a pair of twin sister which one in Canada & another Singapore. And remaining are all in Malaysia. My treasures are Annabelle & Shannon, my two gals. The gals daddy always be nice one and I’ll be the bad one.
What is your present job scope?
I am the (designation & a very senior one at that) - my job scopes covered all related to accounts, Financial, planning, analysis….etc. And my interest is in management accounting.
What is your most memorable working experience in (Company's name)?
Company Name: (Name of big kahuna) love to throw ladies into the pool so do watch out.
What is your most memorable experience (before company name/personal)?
Personal : Unbelievable that I have give birth to two gals and they are really my treasures.
What is the one single thing that drives you?
Passion in them.
What do you enjoy most about working in (company name)?
The fun culture and is really different from all my EX company.
What do you like to see more in (company name)?
Growth together to become bigger firm and gets more incentives & bonuses.
What is your life’s motto/philosophy?
Enjoy life while am still alive.
If there’s one thing you can change now, what would it be?
Would like to be a fashion designer instead.
And all that is running in my mind right now is "What?". "Who?" Really now..."Who??"
reading behind the lines
I sent out a mail that read 'We will only be centralizing the printing of office stationeries for letterheads, envelopes, complimentary slips & calling cards. For other eg computer forms, payment vouchers, invoices, etc that you require for your respective companies, it is not feasible or cost effective to print in KL only to spend extra in freight. As such, I have attached the revised logo for you to do the necessary with getting quotes for the items you need additionally. Do let us know the pricing though.' to the respective PIC in the subsidiaries.
Fast forward... I get summoned by the woman simply to be asked if I sent out a mail to say that I'm very busy and I can't be looking into the printing of stationeries so please bugger off and go play far-far.. She wanted to be copied on all email I send out re administrative issues, etc etc etc. Then she tells me that someone someone said my so called mail was rude (the tone of it. Hmm, maybe they read it loud and angry??) and that I have gone out of line and I am a biatch (well she didn't exactly say the word biatch but I know what it meant lah)...
So, tell me? Read between, behind, under, above and where-have-you and pray tell me, your interpretation of my mail...
I am not to bothered about how people want to interpret or misinterpret what they read but I am simply annoyed at how duh they can be. Conpuse aku!!??
And my evil twin is updating my 'board of bitch' on my latest accomplished. I'll put a pic of the BOB when I get it from her...
berry berry bad...
Some time back (prior to my employed status) I used to go out without tugging along my mobile. Yes, I know its called a mobile for a reason but hey, it's my life!! A quick dash out for lunch or just jalan-jalan cuci mata, I'd come back to probably a couple of messages and occassionally a missed call.
And now in employment, I have to bring my BB everywhere!! And I found out the dire consequence of leaving it behind even just for a second.
Two weeks back, there was a company event. After the set-up and running around in the morning, I made a quick dash to my hair-dressers to get my hair & make-up done. Like the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, I kept bugging them to hurry up & sounded very much like "Quick, quick, I'm late! I'm late!"
I was supposed to be back at the hotel at 530pm. 500pm I'm still on the other side of town. I drive like crazy in the rain and reach the hotel in time. Then as I am driving, I am thinking that I hear my BB but I can't seem to find it anywhere.
Ahhhh, screw it!! I reach the ballroom, grab my things, make a 100m dash in my 5inches Giuseppe. And as I am running, I hear "Why didn't you answer your phone?" and as I am running I'm screaming "I would if I can find it".
I grab a colleague, give him my car keys and ask a favor of him to search for the effing BB. He searches, comes back and tells me "Errr, I called your number. You left it at the hair salon".
"Effing ef...ah, screw that. See if you can call them again and ask them to send it here. I'll pay for the cab fare"
No such luck. They are not answering my phone. (Must have locked it in the drawer for safe keeping or something). Tried calling my hubby but he's in the foulest of moods & not effing answering my calls. Oh well, the show must go on.
Next day - Sunday later in the noon I go by the salon to pick up my BB. What am I faced with? 18 missed calls, forgot how many BB instant messaging & a barrage of messages. And what? I only left it for 5 hours.
What would happen if I left it behind for a good whole day?? I shudder just by the thought of it.
calling all angels...
I got into that situation a while back. The daughter & I went for dinner at a nice little bistro, cafe or whatchacallit. We order our food & the guy behind the counter is calling out the orders to the kitchen. They are preparing the food as the cashier is punching the amount into the cash register.
I reach into my bag to take out my purse to pay. Rummage, rummage, rummage - purse not there. I peek into the bag and calmly shift through my check-books, keys and what-nots that I have in my bag. Purse still not there... I ask the daughter "Where's my purse?"
"Err, I don't know" comes the reply...
"Shit!! Where the eff is it?"
"Alamak dik, I tertinggal my purse lah. Kat rumah kot. Do you take checks?" (stupid question yes I know but hey...)
He smiles...
"I'll just make a quick dash & bring my purse from home. I'll leave my daughter here" (bad mother? hmmmm???)
So I brave the horrible jam to make it home & back to the eatery in effing 30 minutes (which would normally take me less than 10) only to realise that my purse is neither in the car, nor the house and obviously not in the bag. I'm cursing, I'm swearing & I'm hoping I didn't drop it somewhere.
To cut a long story short, I went back to the place, paid for my meals, ate my non crispy toasted sandwich and drank my already cold hot latte.
This time, the place was near to the house. What if this happened somewhere in town where it would take me an eternity to get home & back (anything that involves driving more than half an hour is an eternity to me)?
Do I have friends I can call and say "Hey, I'm stuck here with no moolah to settle my bills. Can you do me a favor & come by to pay?"??
Reveal thyself and I shall put you on my speed-dial.
my new ride
Yes, exact color, exact rims, ejackeelli.....
Boleh lah, not like Choo-Choo's lollipop (the hubby was damn sure I wouldn't find it comfortable) Cooper or a VW Golf GTI or the Audi tapi okaylah...
Baby steps. We got it in red also is a big achievement already.
Joy ride?? Bolehhhhhh
I drive, you belanja makan. Amacam? Set?
get out of the way, nose!!
"My nose blocking me."
the return of bc-cw woman
Her comments or rather her review:
"You MUST go and watch this. It's very good"...
...followed by...
"MJ is reallly a genius. He is such a professional."
"Even the directors respect him. They call him Mr. Michael Jackson."
...a few minutes later...
"He is really really good lah. So professional, he deserves to be where he is."
...which jolted me from the slumber I was trying very hard not to fall into..
life's a bitch...
Some people call it being a bitch, some people call it saying it as it is, some people call it being one tough cookie. But I suppose there are times and situations that calls for it. I have a reputation of being a bitch with mulut laser.
I for one, CANNOT in capital letters tolerate stupidity among other things. And sure as hell may be, there is definitely one ignoramus in every organization. And sure enough, some where along the way they cross my path, tick me off and are left with not so fond memories of me.
Case 1 - She's the PA or something like that to the GM of the Retail sector in the place I worked. Some important meeting was scheduled to which her boss was the organizer. My boss was supposed to attend the meeting so I asked for the details from the PA. Meeting was about to start in about 1hour and I call her to check the venue of the meeting and if her boss was already in. She tells me she will check and call me back. Ten minutes later she calls me and mumbles something about her not knowing where her boss is so cannot check venue and some other nonsense that I really have no time for. I asked if she has actually answered my questions to which she said "No". So I asked her why she bothered to call me when she didn't have the information I needed & told her to only call me if she had the answers or something useful to say; otherwise don't bother. Needless to say she ran & complained to her boss. Well you know the drill - her boss complained to my boss.
Case 2 - Never in my life had I come across such a pain in the arse (to which I am sure she felt the same about me)...She gossips and bitches about everyone and gets the bosses to give in just by crying and complaining that she was bullied. Needless to say I got called a few times by the boss simply to be told to stop bullying her. Since when telling people to do the work how you want it done is bullying?? It was so easy to make her cry or pout that my evil twin and I once had a competition (out of boredom & sheer evilness) on who could make her cry the most in one week. Loser buys winner lunch. That was the best week of the entire 2 years I was with this organization.
Case 3 - The bosses want to make a trip to Uzbek but their schedules are tight and trip had to be put on hold simply because visa application takes about a week and they couldn't afford their passports being held for so long. Then boss #2 asks me about the visa application for Uzbek as he thought that the trip is gonna happen in the next month. I check with the big kahuna and he says that its not happening this year as they have their calendars scheduled right up to this year end. So I send B#2 a message and say the trip is not happening any time this year and thus will not be submitting application for visa to Uzbek. The same morning B#2's secretary mails me with the same query as her boss. Just as I am about to reply her mail, she calls me asking the same thing. So I repeat the same answer, the trip is not happening bla bla bla... only to have her ask me "So we not going to apply visa ah?" I told her "You feel you want to apply, you submit lah"
A couple of days back during a working lunch with some colleagues, one of them told me "Eh, you don't take so much chilli you know". I ask him why. His reply "Orang sudah mulut laser, if makan cili banyak nanti lagi laser. Pedasssss..." And he's not even in the same building with me. He works all the way in the east coast.
And now I'll just wait to be summoned by the boss just to have him tell me to stop bullying people again....
Sigh, life indeed is a bitch ain't it??
the adventures of bc-cw woman...
She's the kind who always have something to complain about. ALWAYS. Apa yang dia buat jer betul. Dia jer lah yang bagus, dia jer lah yang tau semuanya. Irritating yes..
She doesn't see the silver lining behind the dark grey clouds. She see the very dark black clouds behind the glittery silver stuff. She got her new ride two weeks back..Kecoh lah satu dunia.
So happens, I just got a new ride myself. Then she goes "Ya lah, she (as in me) orang kaya buy car more expensive than mine. She's my boss you know. See carry designer bags, wear designer shoes, bla bla bla". Is it my fault really that her ride is half the price of mine?
So I got possession of my new ride Monday evening. Yesterday she came in to the office and made one nice comment about my car.
Positive Comment No 1 - Eh your car nice color ah.
Then comes the grey cloud...
Negative Comment No 1 - But the number got 4 lah, I don't quite like.
Wait a minute - my car ke her car ni???
Then lunch time she wants to go for a joyride cum shopping for the company annual dinner. She gets in...
Positive Comment No 2 - Eh nice ah your car, very spacious, seat very comfortable, very stylo, very aerodynamic...
The grey cloud again
Negative Comment No 2 - But ah, the thing ah (the decal that the tinting company gave to hold the road tax disc) is too big lah. Cover the windscreen. I don't like lah so big like that...
My reply - The windscreen so big lah, that thing hardly one tenth of it. At least the road tax thing doesn't leave sticky residue on the screen.
Lunch done. Shopping done. Time to head back to the office. It starts drizzling so I turn on the wipers.
Positive Comment No 3 - Wah your wiper so stylo one like Mercedes...
Me - Nolah, mana ada. Mercedes got one big one only. If you turn to the back windscreen got one then like Mercedes lah.
Here comes the grey cloud again
Negative Comment No 3 - No lah I don't like one like that. I don't like anything on the back windscreen.
Hello?? Mine's an aeroback, no pungkok. Yours sedan...tertonggek...Geez!!
So I am used to this grey clouds moments and I just shrug it off with some sarky remark but I doubt she's too sharp to pick up on it...
Her superpower - dispensing equal amounts of positive and negative comments & when the batteries are fully charged more of the latter than the former.
That's all for now folks. Stay tuned for more adventures of super bc-cw woman...
this that and everything else
Let me entertain you.
We engaged this 'entertainer' cum emcee for the coming event. So he is supposed to make his grand entrance as Darth Vader. And in the space of what, one month or so - Darth Vader has been reincarnated to Dark Raider, Dave Veda & Butt Rider (I'm not even gonna go there!!!) and the light saber became a light stick. So, get this - Butt Rider with Light Stick. Hey, I kid you not!!! I just laughed my ass off...
Then we had a meeting with the choreographer of the dance group who was doing the opening act. So the bang car-cooking what woman asked her how she could involve our big kahuna in the act. See, they are doing some Phantom of the Opera re-enactment and she went 'We can get M (the big kahuna) to backstage put him in costume and he can come on stage swing around in his cave then he open his mask and surprise!!'. In the midst of trying to stay awake during this meeting, I suddenly sat up and took notice. Yeah. Cave. Dave Veda. Whatever. I am so enjoying this.
Then there's this staff performance thing. One of the subsidiaries is planning to re-enact the skit 'Aci Aci Buka Pintu' from a P. Ramlee movie. So we thought, 'Okay, this is gonna be fun'. Then yesterday as we were in KLCC shopping for some lucky draw gifts, bang car-cooking what woman went as she pointed at something 'Eh this one can use for the cukai pintu'. Me goes 'Huh? Cukai pintu? What cukai pintu'. And as I turn to look at what she's pointing to, its the scary mask that is selling now for the upcoming Haloween.... Ahhh, the hantu or jembalang in the 'Aci Aci Buka Pintu' skit. Camana boleh jadi cukai pintu pun is beyond me... Laughing my ass off again.
Well, I must say despite being a major pain in the arse; she is good for a couple of guffaws and laugh out loud moments. Where else can I learn words like registrating, plagues and certificates.
Bang car-cooking what woman to the rescue!! I can always count on her to make sure I stay sane!!!
the return of errrr
I don't normally give two hoots on who drives what but this is a different case altogether... She can very well afford a Z4 but she claims she wants 'low profile'. Okay, fine....
Then she wanted 848 for her registration number (translated to Chinese - fatt sei fatt. Kaya, dah mampus pun kaya gak). But she had to pay more so she settled for her present number (yat kow lok lok).
Today she got possession of her new ride. Says the salesman bought a temp road tax that expires 14th Nov. No good, she says. Yat sei.. Sure die or something like that.
And she tells me 'Later you reverse your car be careful lah, don't bang into my car ah..'
WTF?? If it was a Lambo or Maserati or SL or X6, makes sense lah. Ni kan kereta nasional kita. PUHLEESE lah. I nak bawak truck ni, saja graze her bumper. Biar padan ngan muka tembam dia!!!
Tengah geram ni!!!
She: Eh, what are you cooking ah for your get-together?
You: (you name a dish that is your specialty) and some kuih maybe...
She: I don't want to eat your (dish that you named)...
What do you answer?
i had stong for breakfast today...
But I found out this morning that it is possible to ruffle someone's feathers or get into a misunderstanding under the above circumstances... Here's what happened this morning, I got a google message from Stong and as I was busy working (contrary to the popular belief that I normally buat buat busy or am busy doing nothing), I didn't reply her lah...So below the exchange of messages....
stong: Hi..ada kat rumah ke?? tak jawap pun =P
stong: www.naforye.com.tw (sent at 10:49 AM on Thursday)
stong: do appreciate you as a peers otherwise won't bother to message u. (sent at 10:51 AM on Thursday)
stong: many times misunderstanding does happen..do realise might not be your fault..that makes the relationship turn sour.
me: huh? are u googling the right person?
stong: u la..who else
me: make wat relationship turn sour?
stong: message so many times also no answer
me: wat misunderstanding?wat msg?
stong: so long also never hear from you
me: and u pressume theres a misunderstanding?huh? dont confuse me lah
stong: hehe...hopefully no la..how r u? =)
me: im okaylah, bz as usual, started working now full time
stong: good to hear that....must bored gila at homewhere u working now? (sent at 10:59 AM on Thursday)
stong: ok.catch up with u free. cheers
So now tell me are you as confused as I am?
emotion is a strange and funny thing
But someone I knew was convinced the man would live on for a couple of centuries more, what with the ability of the son to fork out for expensive medical attention & dialysis. She kept asking the boss about the dad's condition & probably hoping to hear "Oh, he's fine & dandy."
I don't mean to sound like a party pooper but I wondered if she knew what she was talking about. Then just last weekend, the boss IMs me on the Berry to say that the dad suffered another cardiac arrest. I immediately replied asking if he wanted me to cancel his trip scheduled for Monday. Then early Monday morning, I received a text from the boss informing the passing of his dad. Amidst the urgent letter to a client in Indonesia & the tax people in HK, I managed to with the other colleagues pay our last respects.
When the last rites were being performed, I heard sobs around me. Yes it saddened me to see the effects of his death on his family but I just couldn't shed a tear. Was I being heartless? See, when my father in law was diagnosed with the same problem and had to go in and out with the hospital, his sufferings only made me pray to the Almighty to take him away sooner. The same happened when I heard that the boss' dad suffered a heart attack. Was I being evil?
Why do I pray for this? Why do I ask God to take them away from their families & loved ones? Because it hurts us to see them hurt. It breaks our heart when they are in pain. Do I want them to stay alive dependent on machines but in actual fact totally helpless and in so much pain?
When we received a text this morning from the boss thanking everyone for their kind thoughts and words when his dad was sick and upon his demise, my reply to him was 'Take comfort in knowing that Allah loves arwah more & that his sufferings are no more and that he is finally at peace.. All I can offer is al-Fathihah for arwah. Take care, be strong for he lives in all of you'. Was I being insensitive?
Even when my father in law passed on and the last rites were being performed as those around me were sobbing and mourning his loss, I gave thanks to God for alleviating him of his sufferings and pain. For I truly knew then that he wouldn't be throwing up and crying in pain as a result of his body rejecting the chemotheraphy; his frustration in not being able to get up and walk around and do what he had always been doing; his annoyance when people couldn't comprehend him when he was trying to say something; the pain from the bed-sores from being bedridden; the shame when he couldn't control his bladder & motor systems.
So, am I really devoid of any emotion, sympathy and empathy?
Al-Fathihah to the soul of all who have passed on.....
cover versions of something familiar
Who would have thought, right?
someone tell me...
'ushers must have plague and certificates ready on stage'
I'm not in the right frame or simply to lazy to tell her what went wrong where...
Yes, this one from the one who says I am imperfect and have my many flaws.
and she is back...with a vengeance
My poor poor blog, being neglected for so long. As I am typing this, I am clearing the cobwebs that have formed...
Like I said, when I signed the letter of employment I signed my life away. No time for anything else what more my rantings & ravings. Don't know if anyone has been missing me. Nah!! Who am I kidding???
A month or more has come and gone. We have started into the fasting month and almost nearing the end. Raya is about a stone's throw away. Just got back from some shopping - well, the routine kuih raya (anything with ceklat, for the kids), spaghetti (for Laksa Johor) & nasi impit (for Soto Ayam). Well, one good thing is I managed to convert the MIL into using instant nasi impit. Really, who has time to masak the nasi to the consistency of a bubur, then press in the loyang and leave to cool overnight. When life is made easier for you, embrace it I say...
Anyways....one more week before we head back south to celebrate Raya with the hubby's family. But this year is gonna be on a quieter scale. Don't really feel the excitement as yet. And it may probably just pass me by before I realise that it's come and gone.
Back in the days, I used to get excited at the thought of the upcoming festivities when we will balik kampung, meet up with the family, handing out duit raya (which has now become a very expensive affair), the noise, the merriment... I guess as we grow older and the kids are no longer three feet high..it becomes so unexciting. When once I would ensure I got the duit raya changed and packed into the nice little packs, this year I haven't done anything yet. And I am just using whatever notes I can find in my purse. Not bothered with the nice crisp notes yet. Money is money is money, right?
Baju raya? Only for the hubby & for the daughter...I'll just use whatever I can find in my wardrobe. What happened to the fun & anticipation?? When I was much younger, I would so look forward to festivities (regardless of whether I celebrate it or not) 'cos that was the only time we got new clothes, money, ate delicacies specially made for that ocassion. But now...new clothes? Every month, or whenever we see something we fancy. Money? The kids' allowances are even more than what they receive in those green or red little packs.. Specialty food? Ketupat? All year round... Rendang? Anytime, anywhere.. Bunga api, mercun? All we have now are those ridiculous 'pop pop' & 'sparkles'. Boring with a capital B...
Scrooge in the making? I don't know...I try be excited but it's just not happening. Well for me at least...But don't let me dampen your mood for the upcoming festivities. Eat, drink, be merry. And in the next week or so if I don't come back to clear my blog again, here's wishing you a safe & blessed Raya.
Kalau ada silap dan salah (sure ada punyelah), minta maaf banyak-banyak dari hujung rambut sampailah hujung kaki. Yang termakan terminum tu, minta halalkan.
Lepas ni kosong kosong. Tahun depan buat lagi.... :D
the omen - rise of the biatch
Any declarations would require ALL six signatories. Fine. During a recent corporate exercise they are plenty of documents that require these people to whip out their Mont Blancs and sign their life away. Not a problem...
Problem is the sotong who is handling all this in the office up north is sending me the documents one set at a time several days in a week. Just when you rush out the documents to the director to sign before he leaves town, in comes another. The next day, another set comes in same requirements. Day 3, another set comes in. You guessed it. They need to sign lah...
Fed up or not you tell me? So I shoot off a polite lengthy email to her (yes, despite the fact that I can be your living nightmare, my evil twin has confirmed my politeness in the mail) to the sotong requesting that she collate all documents and sending it to me at one go if possible rather than bits and pieces. And the only thing she could come back with 'for those completed, please send back, thanks'.
Hmmm, maybe polite and me don't equate. But then again, I am still on probation so must be on best behaviour. Waitlah till I get my confirmation letter or perhaps I may not get it after all?? Now where is the file with the KIV applicants who wrote in earlier for this position again? Better keep it handy in case the boss summons for it when they decide to fire me....
ugly & painful
Well, if someone told you something that is very true in every sense of the word, so ugly that it's a really really bitter pill to swallow; how would you feel?
Deny it? You can't cos you know for a fact that it's the truth. Be angry? Cry? Hate your friend for saying it? Disown your friend, whom you have known for soooo long and who only have your best interests at heart and went out of the way to help you when and where possible?
I wonder....
it's simply amazing how...
Scaredy goat.
I try but it hurts. It really really hurts just to think...
discourse of course...
I am now officially the Executive Secretary to the Directors, at the place I work & no more twice a week, I now have to be chained to my desk & notebook five days a week. As I told my boss when I signed my contract "I am now signing my soul to the devil" only to be greeted with a menancing laugh.
And I start officially today, coming in to a few assignments entrusted by the boss just before he went thousands of miles away. Once upon a time, when the boss went away it would mean blissful peace for the short while they were away. But now with the wonderful world of technology I shudder when I see the Blackberry blinking indicating some sort of message via email or IM or SMS from someone in the office.
And today, I received (or more like the big kahuna received) an invite from a very prominent political figure inviting him for a luncheon cum 'intellectual discourse' on.....
Wait for it. Wait for it.
...the merits of Michael Schumacher returning to F1.
Ahhh, an insight to what these hot-shots do on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Who would have thought eh??
and you were saying??
You hold a very very senior position in an organization. You are buddies with the shareholders of the company (well at least the working ones). You share stories, jokes, small talk with them as though there is no line of hierachy as stated in the organization chart.
One of them tells you a tongue-in-cheek comment his other half made that sort of degraded his status or insulted his intelligence.
You repeat the same to your peers, your subordinates and then some. They have a good laugh albeit a little shocked that this happens to the hotshot. You laugh your head off too finding it hilarious. And they laugh. And you laugh.
So. Question. What does that make you?
and you learn something new everyday...
Sometimes it's good sometimes it's not so good. Whether we choose to use it thereafter is another story altogether.
Today, I learnt two new words. Well actually one new word and one new phrase.
WORD OF THE DAY - outcourage
PHRASE OF THE DAY - tap his English
Thing is I don't understand. Someone help me??
Oh!! I also found out I have ONE follower... wheeeeeee. Thank you 2T for following me.
perfection within imperfection
"Err, why ah?"
"Cause I'm hoping for you to change your mind..."
"And why would I want to do that?"
"Cause the boss just bought a piece of land & the office will be near your house."
"Just because you may be relocating nearer to where I live doesn't mean I may consider staying on... And I told you already I cannot settle for less than the minimum I am asking for.."
"You know ah, you are so rigid you know. You are not willing to bend a little or compromise when it comes to salary. Other things you can be flexible but money ah..."
"Bending a little is RM200 or so. RM1k is bending a lot already..."
"I told you already mah can negotiate the shortfall to be a bonus at year end...Shh, don't say so loud, the others will hear"(Been there, heard that, don't care...)
"You know you also not so perfect you know. You have your flaws... I have to supervise your work also. I have to tell you what to do...." (and on and on she goes about the imperfection.... bla bla blardy bla bla)
"Nobody is perfect. Now excuse me, I really have to pee..."
And yeah, perfection is one who confuses newsletter for newspaper (well I suppose there is a link there. news. both may be of paper or virtual); fears files may be retrieved just by having access to one's monitor & not the CPU, seeks out imperfection to assist with trivial simple tasks like changing the toner in the printer or realigning a document in MS Word or Excel & feels their presence is necessary, physically, to enable imperfection to be assigned tasks (definition of having being told what to do).
If this is perfection, thanks but I'll let this one pass. I'd take imperfection and flaws any day.
Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.
- Robert Schuller
Beauty is the product of imperfection. Look at the prettiest natural flower - each petal and leaf will have it's own little flaw and yet how much more beautiful it is compared to a flawless plastic imitation.
- John Mackie
So, yes I will graciously accept the fact that I am indeed a beauty, imperfect with flaws.
Would this be defined as 'imperfection'? A masterpiece by a special 8 year old boy, this is.... (you tell me)
you actually need one week to do this???
And yet again - WHY DEAR GOD WHY???????
to all the ladies i've crossed before...
But truth be told out of the ten moronic pain in the ass drivers I have encountered, eight are of the fairer sex. I know I may be starting something here but then again, I cannot tell a lie....
Scenario 1 - The driver in front of me (a lady lah for sure) takes parking ticket & I follow soon after. After taking ticket, I am behind her as we are going down into the basement parking. Just before the entrance into the basement parking, she puts the car into reserve gear. I slam on the brakes. Just what the hell is she thinking of doing, I ask myself. Seems, she wants to park by the shoulder of the lane. So I honk her a little just to remind her that that is not a parking space. She goes ahead and park but not before winding down her window and giving me the finger. Wrong move!! I put the car in neutral, wind down my window and starts giving her an earful...She winds up her window in embarassment and I give her the finger before driving off. Ass!!
Scenario 2 - I am at a roundabout waiting my turn. I am inching my way out slowly as a car speeds. I hit the brakes and I hear a long honking sound as the car approaches. She's miles away from me (so far apart that a bloody car can pass between us) & she's honking thinking that I am as brainless as her just to barge my way out without stopping. She glares at me... And what does she see? My finger of course!! Bitch!!
Scenario 3 - Don't get me started on the ones who just come out of some lane or interchange without bothering to stop and checking for oncoming traffic. They expect others to look out for them and stop so that they have the right of way (even though it is not). Then when you honk them they are either jolted into reality (yes I saw one practically jump in her seat) or they give you the muka tembok. Makes you just want to pull them out of their car and slap them left right and center.
Its these few that give the rest a bad name. Chances are none of them are reading this but in any case, if you have done any of the above and somehow you have crossed my path...this is all I have to say...
attached, organ...
The week comes & goes and I have to write to him again reminding him re my request. Tomorrow, he says. Fine. Again.
Then comes this message -
Dear Jane,
Attached, organ, can help me to input to the program ma
I don't mean to make fun of this but. REALLY? If one can't string a proper sentence together, how the hell does one work??
Organ? Ma? What the hell...... It's good that I have decided to leave them when I am lest I strangle someone or pull all my hair out...
And again, I ask - WHY DEAR GOD WHY???
a day with them special ones...
Pottered around till it was time to go upstairs where the kids have 'circle time'. They sang songs, clapped hands, stomped their feet, nodded and pulled their ears like no tomorrow. After about fifteen minutes of songs, the little ones made their way two floors down to their class.
I was assigned to the toddlers' class. Three kids attended that day, one autistic boy & a pair of GDD (global developmental delays) children (a boy & a girl). They were all aged four.
I sat in on the tutoring of the GDD kids where they were taught to match items, hand & eye coordination, matching shapes. One has to have the patience of a saint to sit with them and walk through the exercises. What a normal child should be able to accomplish in ten minutes or so, these special ones needed an hour.
I didn't however get to sit in on the autistic boy's class but it broke my heart to hear him crying and screaming his way while he learnt parts of his face.
A little play time in between & making sure they don't hurt themselves, then it was meal time. The GDD kids have problems chewing so food had to be soft and mushy. Eating seemed a painful task for them as they struggled to grasp the spoon, scoop the food and feed themselves. Ever wondered how you teach a kid to chew?
Soon after they finished eating, it was time almost time for the kids to leave for the day. But they had a little exercise regime. The GDD boy had to walk around to strengthen his legs (he can't walk without the help of someone holding on to him and assisting him). The autistic boy had to do some balancing exercises, throwing and kicking balls into targets. All the while whilst screaming his little lungs out and crying.
When their parents came to pick them up, you could see the little kids face lighten up and they started blowing kisses and waving goodbyes.
I enjoyed my one day experience and am definitely gonna do this on a voluntary basis. As to if I want to take on a teaching position there for good, I'll have to give it a lot of thought. I don't know if I have what it takes to help these kids cos when they scream I just want to end their torture and stop the lessons. But one has to be tough just go through the screaming, and sobbing and crying to finish the lessons.
I'll just take it one step at a time and see where it takes me....
and on days like this
"You mean the newsletter??"
"How you know, you were copied on the mail ah?"
"Well we don't publish newspapers here, so it must be newsletter lah..."
"Ya, ya.."
of busybodies and itchy backsides...
This happened to me once, in my previous employment. See I had my drawers where I kept my personal stuff in my second drawer & work related stuff in the last. I don't normally lock it every time I have to leave my desk as I expect others to respect my privacy as I do theirs. And for all my life I have worked, I never encountered any busybodies rummaging through my stuff.
But I guess there's always a first time for everything. So, one day I'm away from my desk and seems during my absence, a colleague (a senior manager) came by my station looking for something. Seeing that I was not there, she took the liberty to open my drawers. She came across my payslip and thought it would do no harm to take a peek.
Unlucky for her, my roomie caught her in the act. So when I come back, roomie tells me what happened. I pick up the phone, called the SM and confronted her. Of course, there was an heated exchange of words. I told her the next time something goes missing in my drawer or anyone's for that matter, I would search her first cos she would be the only one who is idiotic enough to go through other people's personal stuff.
Reliable sources then told me that when she hung up, she threw a tantrum and was furious that I questioned her authority as SM. She then stomped her way to her boss who was also my boss and created a big fuss about what happened. Well I expected her to behave this way and I just went about doing my work as usual. Five minutes after she struts out of the bosses office, he buzzes me in. I went in sat down, looked him in the eye and went "Ya?"
He told me what happened and that she went crying to him yada yada yada. So I asked him where is her sense of confidentiality & integrity that is so essential in her capacity as a SM & more importantly, crucial in her line of work. Needless to say he couldn't answer me or justify her actions. I told her (earlier) and then him, that just because she is an SM (or I couldn't care less if she was the president of the company) it doesn't give her an effing right to go through my personal stuff. If it was work related documents, the least she could do was call me on my mobile or have the audacity to wait till I got back to my work-station.
He let it at that and told her that if she had any issues, she would have to work them out with me. I don't remember if she apologized but I doubt she did but suffice to say, as much as I wasn't popular back them I scored bitch points big time. SCORE!!!
especially for me
For all that I am perceived to be, I am actually a person who loves kids and working with them. I simply love their honesty. So, I went and had a casual chat with the MD of the center. We spoke like we were old chums, had a couple of laughs.
What's interesting about this job though is it involves children with special needs. She warned me that it's gonna be very challenging and my patience will indeed be put to test. As I am still contractually employed which will end October this year, I suggested to do it on a voluntary basis once a week.
Never have I been more excited about a job than this. I actually SMS-ed her yesterday to ask if they do require my services. And boy was I pleased when she said they'd be more than happy to have me there. I have a good feeling about this & am so looking forward to it.
I have been in various industries in the corporate sector. After a close to three year hiatus, I took on the temp employment just to warm up & get my groove back. But half way into it, I realized that I have had enough of it. The back-stabbing, politicking, chasing deadlines... Now I just want to be doing what I want to do and not what I need to.
Will I be able to do it? Truth be told, I don't know. Will I enjoy it? Yes, I don't know what is gonna be in store for me and I truly do not know what to expect. I have worked with kids before but not the ones with special needs. I don't know if I am cut out for this but I am gonna give it a shot. The hubby doubts that I would be able to handle this and probably that this is what I am meant to be doing.
But nevertheless I am just gonna do it, learn and see where it takes me. Working with children has always been something I am very passionate about and thus far have not had the opportunity to do so. Maybe I am being rash and jumping into this. But I am taking it one step at a time & with all my heart hope and know that this is the one...
So looking forward to Thursday. Wish me luck!!!
do not...
I don't normally count them when I'm dumping them into the soup but somehow today I got a bit itchy lah and counted. One ball short.
Heh heh.... so there. Lesson learnt.
Mindless post, yes but hey, all for the fun of it.
when they collide...
One is truthful and says things as how she sees it. The other wants to hear just what she wants to hear and dismisses the rest.
One is there to be the shoulder to cry on and lends an ear no matter how many times a day the other calls. The other just wants to cry on that shoulder ten times a day and wants everything to revolve around her.
So one minor issue, exchange of not so pleasant words, then silence. For what seemed the longest time. Shoulder was kind of glad to be dry for a while. Don't know how the other party was handling it.
Then on Shoulder's birthday, she received an SMS. Another exchange of unpleasantries and they parted ways.
So, at one glance I felt it was a waste of the many years of friendship and closeness they enjoyed. But would I play peacemaker again? I don't think so.
As much as I love them both, I feel that this is between them. I don't want to take sides and I believe that they are adults who should be able to do what they feel is best. Shoulder has spoken to me and I respect her decision. The other one hasn't called me but I doubt she will. She doesn't seem to see me as someone she can confide in. I might just probably give her my two cents worth as harshly if not worse than Shoulder.
This happened once. And it's happening again. We'll just have to wait and see how it turns out.
please don't confuse me, it's hurting my brains
So anyways, one of the most enviable task is of course writing to our suppliers / business associates to implore their generosity, short of saying give me all your money or a 60" plasma HD tv. So I am cracking this fragile brain of mine on how to be polite, solicititious in hope that my letter would get them whipping out their checkbooks, Mont Blanc pens and signing off a contribution with many many many zeroes in the figure (just before the decimal point mind you).
Gives the draft to triceratops. She looks it through. "You know it shouldn't be so powderful. The suppliers may not be able to understand your letter." (yes, exact word - powderful)
I'm blinking in confusion....A while later, she goes on to add "I'm not impressed with this letter."
Still in confusion. So she arranges to get a copy of the letter sent to suppliers asking them for moolah when were doing the same thing six years back (apparently that one packed a punch). It went something like this...
The XX Group celebrates its 14th anniversary on (date).
This celebration party will be attended by all our colleagues from blabber blabber blabber with the Directors and members of the Management Team.
We seek your benevolent contribution either in kind or cash to enhance the excitement of the evening. Please revert your contribution by (date).
We have enjoyed working with you and look forward to many more years to come.
I've read this thing like a gazillion times and somehow can't seem to put my finger on the punch. Her reaction when she saw this letter? "Ah? You mean our letter so simple ah like this? I thought it was much more than that..."
Come to think of it, no wonder the prizes that time was crappy....
Now where can I put my soon to be won 60" plasma HD tv????
birthday shoutout - baby girl...
And yeah, I'll be waiting for the same SMS come November....
sick & senseless
the angel with the hair
and wacko he shall be no more
MICHAEL JACKSON DIES AT AGE 50. And in the same breath, Farrah Fawcett has passed on too at age 62 after battling cancer.
So on the radio this morning they have been spinning the King of Pop's songs as a tribute to his achievements and contributions to the music industry.
I am no diehard fan of his but I do enjoy some if not all of his hits. On CNN this morning, Larry King was saying that during his life, the tabloids were dishing out dirt and all things dark about him. But now that he has passed on, they are glorifying him. Well, as the saying goes- one only appreciates something/someone when it is gone.
Apart from his weirdness, his obsession with Liz Taylor and Diana Ross and wanting so much to look like them, his eccentric behavior; this man was truly a genius. Songs that are morally & socially conscious, his eternity long music video with story line and all, crotch grabbing, pagoda t-shirt tearing, moonwalking - he started it all.
And like how some are some are so obsessed like they are with The King himself, pretty soon every other person will be claiming that MJ is alive and well and was spotted somewhere. And also, there will impersonators walking around in the famed red leather jacket, sequined glove and all. Woo hoo (grabs crotch).
But he has truly lived his life, flawed and otherwise. He is an icon in the industry who has left his mark & is an inspiration to many. He will be missed for the good and the bad. May he rest in peace.
revenge of the fallen
So go watch it if you haven't already that is if you are into the Autobots & Decepticons. Otherwise just watch it for the Fox-y lady's...
every little bit hurts
For all the things that I have done, not one has been right. For all the things that I did not do, all of it were wrong.
For all I have said and all that I have done, I am hated with all the might. For all my good intents, I have been misjudged. For all that I have tried to do, I have only come to a dead end.
I spoke up once but was misinterpreted. I kept quiet then but still it wasn't enough.
How to I find the strength to weather this? How do I will it to be a phase that I must go through? How do I not let it get to me knowing how much I feel? How do I go on knowing how much you hate me?
smile!! i'm not on candid camera
He is 'paiseh' and doesn't want to negotiate the moolah part with me so he's getting another boss to talk to me instead. So I guess I'll have to wait and see.
But in the meantime, he wants me to be friendlier & smile more. Geez...now how is that even possible???
See... this is ME!!
i'm selling furniture now?
'Melisa, hai. Tis is julia. M's wife. Rumah I ada masalah sikit. Perabot i tu blh tak dihantar tis week sunday. Pls. im so sori trouble u.'
Melisa? Who? Me? Furniture? What? Me?
I wanted to ask him just as I read the message but he's apparently not in the office. I want to reply his wife and say that she's got the wrong number.
an idiot a day keeps jane.....
And we go on chatting on when she's supposed to come in, where on god's earth this office is (she asked me 'What color is your building ah?'), whether she can come in earlier, etc etc etc
Then she asks me "What position is this ah?"
I say "What position did you apply for?"
She says "XYZ position"
Me - "That's it"
She asks "Got JD ah?"
Me - "How did you get to know about this opening?"
She goes "I saw it in efg.com"
Me - "The JD is laid out in the ad then. You can refer to the ad"
She replies "Oh."
I'm trying. As hard as I can. Patience. Calm. Collected. Cool.
"Okay, we'll be seeing you next week then..."
Yes, I cannot tolerate stupidity. Sigh.... :-(
And no for the life of me, I don't know what the color of this building is. Maybe I'll check later, IF I remember. Like I care!!
tag, i'm it
1. Put on your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc on shuffle
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answers
3. You must write that song name down no matter how silly it sounds
So here goes nothing....
If someone says "Are you okay" you say...
How would you describe yourself?
I'M STILL HERE (Vertical Horizon)
What do you like in a guy / girl?
JUST ONCE (Jeffrey Osbourne)
How do you feel today?
LIKE A STAR (Corrine Bailey Rae)
What is your life's purpose?
U & UR HAND (Pink)
What's your motto?
What do your friends think of you?
THE GIFT (Jim Brickman & Martina McBride)
What do your parents think of you?
What do you think about very often?
SUNDAY BEST (Augustana)
What is 2 + 2?
What do you think of your best friend?
WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE ME (Justin Timberlake & Britney Spears)
What is your life's story?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
What was that about? Strange really....Whoever came up with this must be shot dead. I like the part about what my friends think about me though?? Hee hee...
Applications are sent in, the HR director has access to them, the CFO is coming month end and wants to interview them. Fine.
She sents me an email "XXX's mail is self-explanatory. Please arrange interview." WHAT?? Why me? How intelligent is calling the applicants and arranging for them to come in for an interview??
And from the looks of it, they are not willing to pay what I want for the EA position. I am so quitting this ass of a job.
93%???? i'm flattered...
See... I told you I am a saint.
my caribbean pirate
Sigh... what is not to love?? The hubby is gonna be sooooo jealous...
long long distance love affair
My guess is this thing just happened about a month back cos the last I spoke to him probably last month, he was with partner number 3. Now, as I am kepoh-ing in his Facebook profile, there is PDA much for all to see with messages like "F is missing his b", "F loves his b so much, muahs", "Love you much my baby"....
And he's gonna meet her for the first time next week when she comes back for her break. And she's bought him an LV wallet, a Burberry shirt (couple shirt lagi) and an LV bag for his mom (potentially future mother in law??). And he's gonna be following her when she goes back for her graduation & is gonna spend three weeks with her there?
Is this for real? Or will I only end up being shocked again with girl number 5 one month later?
too close for comfort??
The hubby and I have never been the kind who is into PDA. Yes we ocassionally hold hands (to cross the street), hug (when I am feeling cold) or a quick peck or a kiss (when going our separate ways) but on the norm, we are the average married couple who goes about minding their own business.
But we are together most of the time. We go about doing our errands together when time permits, send the daughter to school in the morning together, have breakfast, read the papers and other mind numbing stuff. We eat, we laugh, we talk...
Some friends have told us that we are an ideal couple, loving and understanding each other. But they have rarely seen us display our affection for each other in the open. Some friends envy us and want to have what we have.
A friend of mine commented that we are indeed very close. But wonders out loud if its good that we are so close. She thinks I spoil my hubby and the daughter, 'cos sometimes they are quite dependent on me.
Some people (girl at used bags shop, girl at Fendi, girl at Chloe) have commented on how lucky I am to have the hubby. He follows me shopping, sits quietly while I fuss and decide on what I like and what I want (not necessarily the same thing). He gives his two cents worth and when I have decided to buy something, dutifully pays for it. And in the process, laugh and bitch about things here and there (the hubby and I, not the salespeople and I). And I reciprocate except for the paying part though there have been ocassions that I go through the process whole.
But all in all, we enjoy each other's company. We are not only matrimonial partners but the other's friend. We respect each other's space and authority. We are not afraid to tell the other off when it matters. We talk, we laugh, we listen. We have our ocassional tiffs but who doesn't? We know how one feels about the other without having to say it. We know what matters most to us. Trust and honesty is part of us.
Yes, I am indeed lucky....
triceratops are carnivores
I'm getting a headache already watching her pace and also getting tired for her. She must already know I feel tired, so she plops herself on the chair in front of me. Suddenly. Suddenly.
"Eh, they took away my monitor. Will they be able to check my files or my mails?"
"They took away your monitor?"
"Ya, remember the line on the monitor."
Ahhh, that explains the mindless wandering....
"Did they take away your CPU?"
"They took the monitor only."
"No, they won't be able to access anything on your computer just because they have your monitor."
"Sure ah?"
"Err, ya??" (imagines banging my head against the wall or is it banging her head on the wall?)
"Sure ah?"
"Ya, sure"
Saved by the monitor... her replacement unit arrives!! Peace at last... but echo is still ringing in my head. Sure ah? Sure ah?
Is it my imagination or does such ignorance exists?
what do i do if you do what you do?
Why do we feel obligated to buy stuff for the people back home when we are holidaying abroad or in a different state for that matter? When someone finds out you are going somewhere, they are quick to come out with 'Eh jangan lupa ole-ole' or 'kirim ah..'
When I travel, I normally try to get a little something local back for the family. And that is when the headache starts, choosing & picking making sure that they like the stuff I get them. I always go by this principle - buy something that I myself like so if they don't take a liking to it and goes all 'hmm, ahhh' I'll just keep it for myself, thank you.
Friends, well you can only have too many key chains or fridge magnets right?? (No, bee, it's not your selepar. jangan terasa. example jer...). But when someone comes back with something that makes me go 'hmm, ahh' though not out loud, I can only wonder what's going on up there. Not only the souvenirs stuff but birthday pressies or any pressies.. when I get stuff that I am sure I am never seen wearing or using, I am like 'bila pulak aku nak pakai benda alah ni?'. So I normally end up keeping it for a while till I find someone who may need it more than I or it just vanishes during one of my spring cleaning sessions.
So, really. Go, have a good time, don't sweat it if you don't come back with mementos for your friends or colleagues. But if you do come back with something for me, I never say no. Whilst someone I know is pondering whether to go to the fashion's capital some time soon, maybe I'll compile a list of my wish-list just in case. Hint, hint, Chanel, hint, hint, Hermès, hint hint.... vous remercier mon cher ami
apa maciam?
are you afraid of me?
I am thinking that I don't want to do HR anymore. So they are offering me the post of Executive Assistant to the big kahunas. Problem is big kahuna numero uno was heard with comments about me. "I see she's okay but she doesn't smile at me." "She's okay ah? Can handle my wives ah?" "She looks like she's capable of scolding the boss. Takutlah."
Say what?? Me? Really? Nah!!! Sorry, wrong number....
i came, i saw, i bought. some...
All in all, it has been an interesting week or more. Went down south to the Great Singapore Sale for some retail theraphy. Hmmm?? I must be in serious problem here, always in need of retail theraphy. Then again, how to refuse??
So off we went to the island republic, the hubby & I for quick weekend getaway. No bags this time though (got it here at a second hand shop already lah)...the queue outside the Church of LV, Church of Gucci, Church of Chanel makes one think that they are practically giving away their stuf for free. Managed to get a pair of lovely looking sandals & a purse/wallet though.
Best thing about my wallet - it has plenty of compartments to slot notes & stuff. The hubby was 'beleking' it the other day & saw no money. So he asked me 'No money ah in your purse?'. I simply said 'No lah" when in actual fact, I put some in the slot behind my cards. So he pulled out his wallet, grab a stack of notes & passed it to me. Now, how cool is that? Of course I had to put in the notes without him noticing which slot lah. Mana tau, kot-kot dia check lagi then nampak takde duit, bagi I lagi...
Wonder if this episode will recur? Doubt it lah...
shockalingam me!!
"Hi Jane"
"Who is this?"
"(says name)"
"Sorry, who?"
"(says name again)"
"Oh, shit!!"
"(laughs)..So how's the new job going??"
(makes mental note to fire evil twin or sexy lexy but I know they wouldn't be the ones)
"What? New job? What?"
"Oh, a little bird told me..."
"Don't believe everything the dumb bird tells you"
"No lah, I saw you driving one morning. Quite early & you were all dressed up. So I figured you must have been on your way to work... So the honeymoon period is over and you finally felt the need to work?"
"Well, I wasn't really looking for a job. Just that my ex-boss offered me & I thought I'd give it a shot. So when are you leaving?"
"Oh, you know..."
"Yeah, a bigger bird told me..."
And he goes on to tell me that he's leaving soon and yada yada yada...And we bid the other well before saying goodbye
Shockalingam me!! Why did he call me? To say goodbye ah? Oh well, I am me after all. There is a love-hate relationship. Love to hate me, hate to love me...
As much as I am not too fond of him, him calling me didn't spoil my day. Therapy sessions proved fruitful. Didn't even have to wait to go across the border to add to my genuine collection. Happy happy me.....