i'm selling furniture now?

Ting ting (SMS coming in)...

'Melisa, hai. Tis is julia. M's wife. Rumah I ada masalah sikit. Perabot i tu blh tak dihantar tis week sunday. Pls. im so sori trouble u.'

Melisa? Who? Me? Furniture? What? Me?

I wanted to ask him just as I read the message but he's apparently not in the office. I want to reply his wife and say that she's got the wrong number.

See, M is a colleague. He has my mobile number but I don't know if he put me as Melisa which is SO not my name....


bosscat said...

i thought aunty buzz was my delivery person from IKEA.. i didn't know about you selling furniture too...

plain jane said...

jane of all trades....