But truth be told out of the ten moronic pain in the ass drivers I have encountered, eight are of the fairer sex. I know I may be starting something here but then again, I cannot tell a lie....
Scenario 1 - The driver in front of me (a lady lah for sure) takes parking ticket & I follow soon after. After taking ticket, I am behind her as we are going down into the basement parking. Just before the entrance into the basement parking, she puts the car into reserve gear. I slam on the brakes. Just what the hell is she thinking of doing, I ask myself. Seems, she wants to park by the shoulder of the lane. So I honk her a little just to remind her that that is not a parking space. She goes ahead and park but not before winding down her window and giving me the finger. Wrong move!! I put the car in neutral, wind down my window and starts giving her an earful...She winds up her window in embarassment and I give her the finger before driving off. Ass!!
Scenario 2 - I am at a roundabout waiting my turn. I am inching my way out slowly as a car speeds. I hit the brakes and I hear a long honking sound as the car approaches. She's miles away from me (so far apart that a bloody car can pass between us) & she's honking thinking that I am as brainless as her just to barge my way out without stopping. She glares at me... And what does she see? My finger of course!! Bitch!!
Scenario 3 - Don't get me started on the ones who just come out of some lane or interchange without bothering to stop and checking for oncoming traffic. They expect others to look out for them and stop so that they have the right of way (even though it is not). Then when you honk them they are either jolted into reality (yes I saw one practically jump in her seat) or they give you the muka tembok. Makes you just want to pull them out of their car and slap them left right and center.
Its these few that give the rest a bad name. Chances are none of them are reading this but in any case, if you have done any of the above and somehow you have crossed my path...this is all I have to say...

scenario 1 - sunway pyramid? :P... very lethal you are...
scenario 2 - maybe you were really a threat? :P
scenario 3 - have you done the same before? :)
scenario 1 - 1utama. not lethal, just celupar
scenario 2 - ya, threathen to smack some sense into her.. :D
scenario 3 - who me?? nevah!!
i pemandu berhemah ke, berkhemah ke, berhikmat ke...
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