This morning I arranged for the office boy to go to the auditors' office to collect some documents. A while ago, he calls me to say that the person he's supposed to pick it up from isn't in the office today.
So I call my colleague in East Coast to check what's going on. A quick call to the auditors' branch office in the East Coast region; seems that the guy was supposed to bring it to the KL office since he's gonna be here today to do some auditing. I feel my temper rising... I ask the girl whether she informed my office. She goes "Ya, ya"
I call my office boy & tell him to leave and do other things. Then I call my colleague again & ask her what went wrong where. After some corporate tai-chi, I walk out to find that the bugger was in my office the whole morning & had already passed the documents to someone else.
I of course did not hesitate to give him a piece of my mind. Tsk tsk tsk...all my effort to be Mother Theresa incarnate is flushed down the drain, slowly if not surely.
Must. Be. Kind.

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