leaving an impression

I've always come across as someone with no nonsense, cannot tolerate nonsense & will tell it as it is. Some find it a nasty trait, some says its good. Depends I suppose on one's perception & acceptance.

In a previous employment, I had two charges under my supervision. When they do well, I give credit where it's due. When they screw up, they hear what I need them to hear. I've laid the ground rules (well my golden rules):

'If there is anything that you don't know, ask. I've never screamed at anyone simply for asking. If you don't ask & you go ahead and do it, if it turns out well then you are lucky, if you screw up then too bad for you.'

'I only say things once or at most twice. I never like to sound like a broken record.'

'I cannot tolerate stupidity'.

Well, honestly I don't know what were they thought of me. Whether they liked me or hated me to death, I never asked. I give what I think they truly deserve & stand up for them when I should. It may have made me unpopular with certain parties but I didn't lose any sleep over it.

Fast forward, today someone told me that one of my ex-subordinate marched into the big kahuna's office to express her dissatisfaction at the review she received (which rated her as below average thus resulting in a no increment). Seems she complimented me citing that although I was fierce & 'keras' at least I do what is right.

Keras? Don't ask me. I'm every bit as lost as you ought to be....

So anyways, I'm glad that albeit my unconventional (yes? no?) method of getting things done & albeit being the occasional pain in the arse, I left a positive impression. I suppose it is nice to be remembered for the good I did & the 'wonderful righteous' person that I am. Blowing my own trumpet much?

One person's perception of the kind of person I am - 'mulut jahat macam sial tapi hati baik'. Which is better, that or the opposite?

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