a sensitive case...

Hmm, apparently my recent post 'time is of the essence' hit a sensitive chord in the friend who was a no show at the lunch. She felt neglected & thought Kunti and I were abandoning her and becoming the best of buds.

I really don't know what the big issue is. It was really a miscommunication & lousy sense of direction. No need to harbour hard feelings or spite.

I have only a selected few people whom I can call friends. I don't call them a gazillion times a day or meet up for lunch or drinks every other day. None of this just so they know that I am their friend and they mine. But I think it is enough for them to know that I have them close in my heart and in return can only but hope it is mutual.

And yes, I use this blog as an avenue to tell my stories but they are my stories. If you feel that you have been wronged, well my bad. If I have done it wrong I will retract my post. But my stories comes from what I think, what I feel, what I hear, what I see, what I say - in short my point of view..

What you feel or say or hear or think is your prerogative and I for one cannot tell you how you should react and what you should do. So really, there's no need for this animosity. Life's too short for this..

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