According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the highest level one can achieve in self-actualization. Careerwise, everyone or at least everyone wants to attain the highest level, getting to the top ie the powers that be or doing what you are actually passionate about.
Imagine this - an employee of finance background (lets call this one Calamary) has reached quite a senior position in an organization; whether competent or otherwise I shall reserve my comments. The numero uno in the department is intending to leave for greener pastures. So the natural course of order would be if they are not deciding on a replacement from external sources a promotion for Calamary.
Does Calamary want it? Apparently no & Calamary was heard with this remark (not the exact words but you get the point).
Calamary: I don't want the promotion & am not even expecting it. I am quite happy where I am now. Actually, I am not really interested in finance. My true passion is fashion & hobbies.
Assistant to Calamary: Okay (obviously in a daze & confusion)
And went on to add (I don't know how long it took for the idea to settle in Calamary's head though)...
Calamary: Actually I want to take on more responsibilities & learn something new...
Assistant to Calamary: Like what?
Calamary: Reports...
Assistant can only smile & wonder what brought this on. SWIM CALAMARY SWIM, YOU'LL GET THERE SOME DAY....... I believe in you!!
that's all i can say!
have i been demoted??? Assitant to Calamary????? jeez, that's an insult!!! :P
ET - no ah? sorry lah then. i have left so won't know lah what are the new designations.
to borrow a line from Forrest Gump - Stupid is as stupid does.
looks like this calamari will be stuck forever in purely to satisfying the physiological needs but wait ! is this even the right hierarchy to describe this case? try Theory of Evolution i'm sure there is a better comparison there somewhere...
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