Picture this if you will and if you can, tell me what you think..
You hold a very very senior position in an organization. You are buddies with the shareholders of the company (well at least the working ones). You share stories, jokes, small talk with them as though there is no line of hierachy as stated in the organization chart.
One of them tells you a tongue-in-cheek comment his other half made that sort of degraded his status or insulted his intelligence.
You repeat the same to your peers, your subordinates and then some. They have a good laugh albeit a little shocked that this happens to the hotshot. You laugh your head off too finding it hilarious. And they laugh. And you laugh.
So. Question. What does that make you?
and you learn something new everyday...
Isn't it amazing that as we live the life we live, we learn a little something every step of the way?
Sometimes it's good sometimes it's not so good. Whether we choose to use it thereafter is another story altogether.
Today, I learnt two new words. Well actually one new word and one new phrase.
WORD OF THE DAY - outcourage
PHRASE OF THE DAY - tap his English
Thing is I don't understand. Someone help me??
Oh!! I also found out I have ONE follower... wheeeeeee. Thank you 2T for following me.
Sometimes it's good sometimes it's not so good. Whether we choose to use it thereafter is another story altogether.
Today, I learnt two new words. Well actually one new word and one new phrase.
WORD OF THE DAY - outcourage
PHRASE OF THE DAY - tap his English
Thing is I don't understand. Someone help me??
Oh!! I also found out I have ONE follower... wheeeeeee. Thank you 2T for following me.
perfection within imperfection
"Maam, have you actually given a thought of looking for my replacement?"
"Err, why ah?"
"Cause I'm hoping for you to change your mind..."
"And why would I want to do that?"
"Cause the boss just bought a piece of land & the office will be near your house."
"Just because you may be relocating nearer to where I live doesn't mean I may consider staying on... And I told you already I cannot settle for less than the minimum I am asking for.."
"You know ah, you are so rigid you know. You are not willing to bend a little or compromise when it comes to salary. Other things you can be flexible but money ah..."
(Been there, heard that, don't care...)
"You know you also not so perfect you know. You have your flaws... I have to supervise your work also. I have to tell you what to do...." (and on and on she goes about the imperfection.... bla bla blardy bla bla)
"Nobody is perfect. Now excuse me, I really have to pee..."
And yeah, perfection is one who confuses newsletter for newspaper (well I suppose there is a link there. news. both may be of paper or virtual); fears files may be retrieved just by having access to one's monitor & not the CPU, seeks out imperfection to assist with trivial simple tasks like changing the toner in the printer or realigning a document in MS Word or Excel & feels their presence is necessary, physically, to enable imperfection to be assigned tasks (definition of having being told what to do).
If this is perfection, thanks but I'll let this one pass. I'd take imperfection and flaws any day.
Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.
- Robert Schuller
Beauty is the product of imperfection. Look at the prettiest natural flower - each petal and leaf will have it's own little flaw and yet how much more beautiful it is compared to a flawless plastic imitation.
- John Mackie
So, yes I will graciously accept the fact that I am indeed a beauty, imperfect with flaws.

"Err, why ah?"
"Cause I'm hoping for you to change your mind..."
"And why would I want to do that?"
"Cause the boss just bought a piece of land & the office will be near your house."
"Just because you may be relocating nearer to where I live doesn't mean I may consider staying on... And I told you already I cannot settle for less than the minimum I am asking for.."
"You know ah, you are so rigid you know. You are not willing to bend a little or compromise when it comes to salary. Other things you can be flexible but money ah..."
"Bending a little is RM200 or so. RM1k is bending a lot already..."
"I told you already mah can negotiate the shortfall to be a bonus at year end...Shh, don't say so loud, the others will hear"(Been there, heard that, don't care...)
"You know you also not so perfect you know. You have your flaws... I have to supervise your work also. I have to tell you what to do...." (and on and on she goes about the imperfection.... bla bla blardy bla bla)
"Nobody is perfect. Now excuse me, I really have to pee..."
And yeah, perfection is one who confuses newsletter for newspaper (well I suppose there is a link there. news. both may be of paper or virtual); fears files may be retrieved just by having access to one's monitor & not the CPU, seeks out imperfection to assist with trivial simple tasks like changing the toner in the printer or realigning a document in MS Word or Excel & feels their presence is necessary, physically, to enable imperfection to be assigned tasks (definition of having being told what to do).
If this is perfection, thanks but I'll let this one pass. I'd take imperfection and flaws any day.
Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.
- Robert Schuller
Beauty is the product of imperfection. Look at the prettiest natural flower - each petal and leaf will have it's own little flaw and yet how much more beautiful it is compared to a flawless plastic imitation.
- John Mackie
So, yes I will graciously accept the fact that I am indeed a beauty, imperfect with flaws.
Would this be defined as 'imperfection'? A masterpiece by a special 8 year old boy, this is.... (you tell me)
you actually need one week to do this???
Remember the organ I requested which he needed one week to do??? This is it....

Now, does one really need a week to come up with THIS??
And yet again - WHY DEAR GOD WHY???????
to all the ladies i've crossed before...
Just so you know, I am a lady driver myself and cannot stand men who discriminate and generalize against the lady drivers for whatever reason.
But truth be told out of the ten moronic pain in the ass drivers I have encountered, eight are of the fairer sex. I know I may be starting something here but then again, I cannot tell a lie....
Scenario 1 - The driver in front of me (a lady lah for sure) takes parking ticket & I follow soon after. After taking ticket, I am behind her as we are going down into the basement parking. Just before the entrance into the basement parking, she puts the car into reserve gear. I slam on the brakes. Just what the hell is she thinking of doing, I ask myself. Seems, she wants to park by the shoulder of the lane. So I honk her a little just to remind her that that is not a parking space. She goes ahead and park but not before winding down her window and giving me the finger. Wrong move!! I put the car in neutral, wind down my window and starts giving her an earful...She winds up her window in embarassment and I give her the finger before driving off. Ass!!
Scenario 2 - I am at a roundabout waiting my turn. I am inching my way out slowly as a car speeds. I hit the brakes and I hear a long honking sound as the car approaches. She's miles away from me (so far apart that a bloody car can pass between us) & she's honking thinking that I am as brainless as her just to barge my way out without stopping. She glares at me... And what does she see? My finger of course!! Bitch!!
Scenario 3 - Don't get me started on the ones who just come out of some lane or interchange without bothering to stop and checking for oncoming traffic. They expect others to look out for them and stop so that they have the right of way (even though it is not). Then when you honk them they are either jolted into reality (yes I saw one practically jump in her seat) or they give you the muka tembok. Makes you just want to pull them out of their car and slap them left right and center.
Its these few that give the rest a bad name. Chances are none of them are reading this but in any case, if you have done any of the above and somehow you have crossed my path...this is all I have to say...
But truth be told out of the ten moronic pain in the ass drivers I have encountered, eight are of the fairer sex. I know I may be starting something here but then again, I cannot tell a lie....
Scenario 1 - The driver in front of me (a lady lah for sure) takes parking ticket & I follow soon after. After taking ticket, I am behind her as we are going down into the basement parking. Just before the entrance into the basement parking, she puts the car into reserve gear. I slam on the brakes. Just what the hell is she thinking of doing, I ask myself. Seems, she wants to park by the shoulder of the lane. So I honk her a little just to remind her that that is not a parking space. She goes ahead and park but not before winding down her window and giving me the finger. Wrong move!! I put the car in neutral, wind down my window and starts giving her an earful...She winds up her window in embarassment and I give her the finger before driving off. Ass!!
Scenario 2 - I am at a roundabout waiting my turn. I am inching my way out slowly as a car speeds. I hit the brakes and I hear a long honking sound as the car approaches. She's miles away from me (so far apart that a bloody car can pass between us) & she's honking thinking that I am as brainless as her just to barge my way out without stopping. She glares at me... And what does she see? My finger of course!! Bitch!!
Scenario 3 - Don't get me started on the ones who just come out of some lane or interchange without bothering to stop and checking for oncoming traffic. They expect others to look out for them and stop so that they have the right of way (even though it is not). Then when you honk them they are either jolted into reality (yes I saw one practically jump in her seat) or they give you the muka tembok. Makes you just want to pull them out of their car and slap them left right and center.
Its these few that give the rest a bad name. Chances are none of them are reading this but in any case, if you have done any of the above and somehow you have crossed my path...this is all I have to say...

attached, organ...
I wrote to the project manager asking him to provide some images and the organization chart of a certain subsidiary for some slides I was working on. Give me one week, he say. Fine..
The week comes & goes and I have to write to him again reminding him re my request. Tomorrow, he says. Fine. Again.
Then comes this message -
Dear Jane,
Attached, organ, can help me to input to the program ma
I don't mean to make fun of this but. REALLY? If one can't string a proper sentence together, how the hell does one work??
Organ? Ma? What the hell...... It's good that I have decided to leave them when I am lest I strangle someone or pull all my hair out...
And again, I ask - WHY DEAR GOD WHY???
The week comes & goes and I have to write to him again reminding him re my request. Tomorrow, he says. Fine. Again.
Then comes this message -
Dear Jane,
Attached, organ, can help me to input to the program ma
I don't mean to make fun of this but. REALLY? If one can't string a proper sentence together, how the hell does one work??
Organ? Ma? What the hell...... It's good that I have decided to leave them when I am lest I strangle someone or pull all my hair out...
And again, I ask - WHY DEAR GOD WHY???
a day with them special ones...
So last Thursday came & went. I got up bright & early, sent the daughter to school and then headed on to the child care center.
Pottered around till it was time to go upstairs where the kids have 'circle time'. They sang songs, clapped hands, stomped their feet, nodded and pulled their ears like no tomorrow. After about fifteen minutes of songs, the little ones made their way two floors down to their class.
I was assigned to the toddlers' class. Three kids attended that day, one autistic boy & a pair of GDD (global developmental delays) children (a boy & a girl). They were all aged four.
I sat in on the tutoring of the GDD kids where they were taught to match items, hand & eye coordination, matching shapes. One has to have the patience of a saint to sit with them and walk through the exercises. What a normal child should be able to accomplish in ten minutes or so, these special ones needed an hour.
I didn't however get to sit in on the autistic boy's class but it broke my heart to hear him crying and screaming his way while he learnt parts of his face.
A little play time in between & making sure they don't hurt themselves, then it was meal time. The GDD kids have problems chewing so food had to be soft and mushy. Eating seemed a painful task for them as they struggled to grasp the spoon, scoop the food and feed themselves. Ever wondered how you teach a kid to chew?
Soon after they finished eating, it was time almost time for the kids to leave for the day. But they had a little exercise regime. The GDD boy had to walk around to strengthen his legs (he can't walk without the help of someone holding on to him and assisting him). The autistic boy had to do some balancing exercises, throwing and kicking balls into targets. All the while whilst screaming his little lungs out and crying.
When their parents came to pick them up, you could see the little kids face lighten up and they started blowing kisses and waving goodbyes.
I enjoyed my one day experience and am definitely gonna do this on a voluntary basis. As to if I want to take on a teaching position there for good, I'll have to give it a lot of thought. I don't know if I have what it takes to help these kids cos when they scream I just want to end their torture and stop the lessons. But one has to be tough just go through the screaming, and sobbing and crying to finish the lessons.
I'll just take it one step at a time and see where it takes me....
Pottered around till it was time to go upstairs where the kids have 'circle time'. They sang songs, clapped hands, stomped their feet, nodded and pulled their ears like no tomorrow. After about fifteen minutes of songs, the little ones made their way two floors down to their class.
I was assigned to the toddlers' class. Three kids attended that day, one autistic boy & a pair of GDD (global developmental delays) children (a boy & a girl). They were all aged four.
I sat in on the tutoring of the GDD kids where they were taught to match items, hand & eye coordination, matching shapes. One has to have the patience of a saint to sit with them and walk through the exercises. What a normal child should be able to accomplish in ten minutes or so, these special ones needed an hour.
I didn't however get to sit in on the autistic boy's class but it broke my heart to hear him crying and screaming his way while he learnt parts of his face.
A little play time in between & making sure they don't hurt themselves, then it was meal time. The GDD kids have problems chewing so food had to be soft and mushy. Eating seemed a painful task for them as they struggled to grasp the spoon, scoop the food and feed themselves. Ever wondered how you teach a kid to chew?
Soon after they finished eating, it was time almost time for the kids to leave for the day. But they had a little exercise regime. The GDD boy had to walk around to strengthen his legs (he can't walk without the help of someone holding on to him and assisting him). The autistic boy had to do some balancing exercises, throwing and kicking balls into targets. All the while whilst screaming his little lungs out and crying.
When their parents came to pick them up, you could see the little kids face lighten up and they started blowing kisses and waving goodbyes.
I enjoyed my one day experience and am definitely gonna do this on a voluntary basis. As to if I want to take on a teaching position there for good, I'll have to give it a lot of thought. I don't know if I have what it takes to help these kids cos when they scream I just want to end their torture and stop the lessons. But one has to be tough just go through the screaming, and sobbing and crying to finish the lessons.
I'll just take it one step at a time and see where it takes me....
and on days like this
"John is now in charge of the newspaper.."
"You mean the newsletter??"
"How you know, you were copied on the mail ah?"
"Well we don't publish newspapers here, so it must be newsletter lah..."
"Ya, ya.."
"You mean the newsletter??"
"How you know, you were copied on the mail ah?"
"Well we don't publish newspapers here, so it must be newsletter lah..."
"Ya, ya.."
of busybodies and itchy backsides...
The deejays on the radio station this morning brought up a subject that was kinda interesting. One of their colleagues ripped open one of the guy's pay-slip and took a peek. So he was in a dilemma on what to do. Report her and she might lose her job. But he couldn't possibly keep quiet and condone to this.
This happened to me once, in my previous employment. See I had my drawers where I kept my personal stuff in my second drawer & work related stuff in the last. I don't normally lock it every time I have to leave my desk as I expect others to respect my privacy as I do theirs. And for all my life I have worked, I never encountered any busybodies rummaging through my stuff.
But I guess there's always a first time for everything. So, one day I'm away from my desk and seems during my absence, a colleague (a senior manager) came by my station looking for something. Seeing that I was not there, she took the liberty to open my drawers. She came across my payslip and thought it would do no harm to take a peek.
Unlucky for her, my roomie caught her in the act. So when I come back, roomie tells me what happened. I pick up the phone, called the SM and confronted her. Of course, there was an heated exchange of words. I told her the next time something goes missing in my drawer or anyone's for that matter, I would search her first cos she would be the only one who is idiotic enough to go through other people's personal stuff.
Reliable sources then told me that when she hung up, she threw a tantrum and was furious that I questioned her authority as SM. She then stomped her way to her boss who was also my boss and created a big fuss about what happened. Well I expected her to behave this way and I just went about doing my work as usual. Five minutes after she struts out of the bosses office, he buzzes me in. I went in sat down, looked him in the eye and went "Ya?"
He told me what happened and that she went crying to him yada yada yada. So I asked him where is her sense of confidentiality & integrity that is so essential in her capacity as a SM & more importantly, crucial in her line of work. Needless to say he couldn't answer me or justify her actions. I told her (earlier) and then him, that just because she is an SM (or I couldn't care less if she was the president of the company) it doesn't give her an effing right to go through my personal stuff. If it was work related documents, the least she could do was call me on my mobile or have the audacity to wait till I got back to my work-station.
He let it at that and told her that if she had any issues, she would have to work them out with me. I don't remember if she apologized but I doubt she did but suffice to say, as much as I wasn't popular back them I scored bitch points big time. SCORE!!!
This happened to me once, in my previous employment. See I had my drawers where I kept my personal stuff in my second drawer & work related stuff in the last. I don't normally lock it every time I have to leave my desk as I expect others to respect my privacy as I do theirs. And for all my life I have worked, I never encountered any busybodies rummaging through my stuff.
But I guess there's always a first time for everything. So, one day I'm away from my desk and seems during my absence, a colleague (a senior manager) came by my station looking for something. Seeing that I was not there, she took the liberty to open my drawers. She came across my payslip and thought it would do no harm to take a peek.
Unlucky for her, my roomie caught her in the act. So when I come back, roomie tells me what happened. I pick up the phone, called the SM and confronted her. Of course, there was an heated exchange of words. I told her the next time something goes missing in my drawer or anyone's for that matter, I would search her first cos she would be the only one who is idiotic enough to go through other people's personal stuff.
Reliable sources then told me that when she hung up, she threw a tantrum and was furious that I questioned her authority as SM. She then stomped her way to her boss who was also my boss and created a big fuss about what happened. Well I expected her to behave this way and I just went about doing my work as usual. Five minutes after she struts out of the bosses office, he buzzes me in. I went in sat down, looked him in the eye and went "Ya?"
He told me what happened and that she went crying to him yada yada yada. So I asked him where is her sense of confidentiality & integrity that is so essential in her capacity as a SM & more importantly, crucial in her line of work. Needless to say he couldn't answer me or justify her actions. I told her (earlier) and then him, that just because she is an SM (or I couldn't care less if she was the president of the company) it doesn't give her an effing right to go through my personal stuff. If it was work related documents, the least she could do was call me on my mobile or have the audacity to wait till I got back to my work-station.
He let it at that and told her that if she had any issues, she would have to work them out with me. I don't remember if she apologized but I doubt she did but suffice to say, as much as I wasn't popular back them I scored bitch points big time. SCORE!!!
especially for me
I threw caution to the wind & went for an informal 'interview' two days back. A friend forwarded me this job ad which was looking for early childhood teacher.
For all that I am perceived to be, I am actually a person who loves kids and working with them. I simply love their honesty. So, I went and had a casual chat with the MD of the center. We spoke like we were old chums, had a couple of laughs.
What's interesting about this job though is it involves children with special needs. She warned me that it's gonna be very challenging and my patience will indeed be put to test. As I am still contractually employed which will end October this year, I suggested to do it on a voluntary basis once a week.
Never have I been more excited about a job than this. I actually SMS-ed her yesterday to ask if they do require my services. And boy was I pleased when she said they'd be more than happy to have me there. I have a good feeling about this & am so looking forward to it.
I have been in various industries in the corporate sector. After a close to three year hiatus, I took on the temp employment just to warm up & get my groove back. But half way into it, I realized that I have had enough of it. The back-stabbing, politicking, chasing deadlines... Now I just want to be doing what I want to do and not what I need to.
Will I be able to do it? Truth be told, I don't know. Will I enjoy it? Yes, I don't know what is gonna be in store for me and I truly do not know what to expect. I have worked with kids before but not the ones with special needs. I don't know if I am cut out for this but I am gonna give it a shot. The hubby doubts that I would be able to handle this and probably that this is what I am meant to be doing.
But nevertheless I am just gonna do it, learn and see where it takes me. Working with children has always been something I am very passionate about and thus far have not had the opportunity to do so. Maybe I am being rash and jumping into this. But I am taking it one step at a time & with all my heart hope and know that this is the one...
So looking forward to Thursday. Wish me luck!!!
For all that I am perceived to be, I am actually a person who loves kids and working with them. I simply love their honesty. So, I went and had a casual chat with the MD of the center. We spoke like we were old chums, had a couple of laughs.
What's interesting about this job though is it involves children with special needs. She warned me that it's gonna be very challenging and my patience will indeed be put to test. As I am still contractually employed which will end October this year, I suggested to do it on a voluntary basis once a week.
Never have I been more excited about a job than this. I actually SMS-ed her yesterday to ask if they do require my services. And boy was I pleased when she said they'd be more than happy to have me there. I have a good feeling about this & am so looking forward to it.
I have been in various industries in the corporate sector. After a close to three year hiatus, I took on the temp employment just to warm up & get my groove back. But half way into it, I realized that I have had enough of it. The back-stabbing, politicking, chasing deadlines... Now I just want to be doing what I want to do and not what I need to.
Will I be able to do it? Truth be told, I don't know. Will I enjoy it? Yes, I don't know what is gonna be in store for me and I truly do not know what to expect. I have worked with kids before but not the ones with special needs. I don't know if I am cut out for this but I am gonna give it a shot. The hubby doubts that I would be able to handle this and probably that this is what I am meant to be doing.
But nevertheless I am just gonna do it, learn and see where it takes me. Working with children has always been something I am very passionate about and thus far have not had the opportunity to do so. Maybe I am being rash and jumping into this. But I am taking it one step at a time & with all my heart hope and know that this is the one...
So looking forward to Thursday. Wish me luck!!!
do not...
...interrupt the fish-monger when he's counting balls. Learnt it today when I was buying fishballs to make soup for dinner. Half way into his counting, I asked him "How much?"
I don't normally count them when I'm dumping them into the soup but somehow today I got a bit itchy lah and counted. One ball short.
Heh heh.... so there. Lesson learnt.
Mindless post, yes but hey, all for the fun of it.
I don't normally count them when I'm dumping them into the soup but somehow today I got a bit itchy lah and counted. One ball short.
Heh heh.... so there. Lesson learnt.
Mindless post, yes but hey, all for the fun of it.
when they collide...
What happens when two people who have known each other and been friends for eternity have a misunderstanding, albeit over a petty issue?
One is truthful and says things as how she sees it. The other wants to hear just what she wants to hear and dismisses the rest.
One is there to be the shoulder to cry on and lends an ear no matter how many times a day the other calls. The other just wants to cry on that shoulder ten times a day and wants everything to revolve around her.
So one minor issue, exchange of not so pleasant words, then silence. For what seemed the longest time. Shoulder was kind of glad to be dry for a while. Don't know how the other party was handling it.
Then on Shoulder's birthday, she received an SMS. Another exchange of unpleasantries and they parted ways.
So, at one glance I felt it was a waste of the many years of friendship and closeness they enjoyed. But would I play peacemaker again? I don't think so.
As much as I love them both, I feel that this is between them. I don't want to take sides and I believe that they are adults who should be able to do what they feel is best. Shoulder has spoken to me and I respect her decision. The other one hasn't called me but I doubt she will. She doesn't seem to see me as someone she can confide in. I might just probably give her my two cents worth as harshly if not worse than Shoulder.
This happened once. And it's happening again. We'll just have to wait and see how it turns out.
One is truthful and says things as how she sees it. The other wants to hear just what she wants to hear and dismisses the rest.
One is there to be the shoulder to cry on and lends an ear no matter how many times a day the other calls. The other just wants to cry on that shoulder ten times a day and wants everything to revolve around her.
So one minor issue, exchange of not so pleasant words, then silence. For what seemed the longest time. Shoulder was kind of glad to be dry for a while. Don't know how the other party was handling it.
Then on Shoulder's birthday, she received an SMS. Another exchange of unpleasantries and they parted ways.
So, at one glance I felt it was a waste of the many years of friendship and closeness they enjoyed. But would I play peacemaker again? I don't think so.
As much as I love them both, I feel that this is between them. I don't want to take sides and I believe that they are adults who should be able to do what they feel is best. Shoulder has spoken to me and I respect her decision. The other one hasn't called me but I doubt she will. She doesn't seem to see me as someone she can confide in. I might just probably give her my two cents worth as harshly if not worse than Shoulder.
This happened once. And it's happening again. We'll just have to wait and see how it turns out.
please don't confuse me, it's hurting my brains
In the midst of planning and organizing an annual do for the company where I am attached at now. Why do I always get stuck with things like this?? Sigh....
So anyways, one of the most enviable task is of course writing to our suppliers / business associates to implore their generosity, short of saying give me all your money or a 60" plasma HD tv. So I am cracking this fragile brain of mine on how to be polite, solicititious in hope that my letter would get them whipping out their checkbooks, Mont Blanc pens and signing off a contribution with many many many zeroes in the figure (just before the decimal point mind you).
Gives the draft to triceratops. She looks it through. "You know it shouldn't be so powderful. The suppliers may not be able to understand your letter." (yes, exact word - powderful)
I'm blinking in confusion....A while later, she goes on to add "I'm not impressed with this letter."
Still in confusion. So she arranges to get a copy of the letter sent to suppliers asking them for moolah when were doing the same thing six years back (apparently that one packed a punch). It went something like this...
The XX Group celebrates its 14th anniversary on (date).
This celebration party will be attended by all our colleagues from blabber blabber blabber with the Directors and members of the Management Team.
We seek your benevolent contribution either in kind or cash to enhance the excitement of the evening. Please revert your contribution by (date).
We have enjoyed working with you and look forward to many more years to come.
I've read this thing like a gazillion times and somehow can't seem to put my finger on the punch. Her reaction when she saw this letter? "Ah? You mean our letter so simple ah like this? I thought it was much more than that..."
Come to think of it, no wonder the prizes that time was crappy....
Now where can I put my soon to be won 60" plasma HD tv????
So anyways, one of the most enviable task is of course writing to our suppliers / business associates to implore their generosity, short of saying give me all your money or a 60" plasma HD tv. So I am cracking this fragile brain of mine on how to be polite, solicititious in hope that my letter would get them whipping out their checkbooks, Mont Blanc pens and signing off a contribution with many many many zeroes in the figure (just before the decimal point mind you).
Gives the draft to triceratops. She looks it through. "You know it shouldn't be so powderful. The suppliers may not be able to understand your letter." (yes, exact word - powderful)
I'm blinking in confusion....A while later, she goes on to add "I'm not impressed with this letter."
Still in confusion. So she arranges to get a copy of the letter sent to suppliers asking them for moolah when were doing the same thing six years back (apparently that one packed a punch). It went something like this...
The XX Group celebrates its 14th anniversary on (date).
This celebration party will be attended by all our colleagues from blabber blabber blabber with the Directors and members of the Management Team.
We seek your benevolent contribution either in kind or cash to enhance the excitement of the evening. Please revert your contribution by (date).
We have enjoyed working with you and look forward to many more years to come.
I've read this thing like a gazillion times and somehow can't seem to put my finger on the punch. Her reaction when she saw this letter? "Ah? You mean our letter so simple ah like this? I thought it was much more than that..."
Come to think of it, no wonder the prizes that time was crappy....
Now where can I put my soon to be won 60" plasma HD tv????
birthday shoutout - baby girl...
Yes, I am a day late but I did send you an SMS yesterday!!! Hope you had a good one despite it all (you know what I mean)...

And yeah, I'll be waiting for the same SMS come November....
sick & senseless
Feeling like shit..
Nose is blocked. Throat is sore. Pain here and there. Damn tired. Can't focus but I'm at work. Wreaking my brain on how to write a bloody impressive letter. Just not up to it now.
No. No. Not swine flu.
I don't like this feeling at all....

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