ever heard of the term 'grammar nazi'? never heard of it? let me enlighten you...
grammar nazi - noun (pl, -s): (a) a person who believes proper grammar (and spelling) should be used by everyone whenever possible. (b) one who attempts to persuade or force others to use proper grammar and spelling. (c) one who uses proper grammar and spelling to subtly mock or deride those who do not; an exhibitor of grammatical superiority. (d) one who advocates linguistic clarity. (e) one who corrects others' grammar; the spelling police. (source: http://www.urbandictionary.com/)
yes, yours truly does have the tendency to be a grammar nazi & i fall into category (e). it can be a very annoying habit especially to the receiving end but really, we cannot help it. well at least i can't. and the daughter has taken on this habit as well. the hubby gets pretty peeved when i correct him but i guess after seventeen years, he's gotten used to that. and i guess my friends too.
and... i tend to have a habit of correcting & telling off my nephews and nieces especially to chew quietly, close their mouth while chewing their food, not talking with their mouth full, and the whole nine yards...tu nazi apa pulak?
maybe from now on, i should get all my punctuations right too.. yes yes, my grammer is gooder & powderful.

don't flatter yourself honey... you're just Hitler incarnate.
nien nien ich bin kein hitler. bin ich mutter teresa. mich bin gut kein Übel.
ich werde sie mien kind segnen.
once in a while i'm (a) ... not so much (b) usually (c) never (d) and tries to be (e) whenever i can.
jom finger-lighter soon?
can...where, when, who.
nak tunggu tuan puteri intan payung bukit bukau catbee tu, kena one day kan??
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