yesterday over lunch, cat was talking to her friend & i about a project she is undertaking. something to do with the condoms. then in a hush, she asks me 'do you know that there is such a thing called the female condom?'
uhhh, ya... she said she just found out. the friend is curious on how it should be worn or is it used? she said can it come out once it has been inserted. well i told 'i guess what goes in must come out'. cat asked 'kemut ah?' & i replied 'no, if kemut it will masuk lagi. kena teran lah' (i know someone who's gonna go gross, gross, gross in my comment section)

so i took the liberty of googling femidom to help cat with her curiosity.. i guess they were more curious on how to use it than anything else. so go here if you so want to know.
ive done enuf research + googling + peeping + flipping b4 writing d article...
never liked condoms! nuf said ;p
to da
to da
to da
angelita - who was the one who constructed this sentence - "i drive my CAR to the SEX education class and i met the manager CUM director of the company."??
who? who? who?
babe-bee: don't forget to give our st. zets some samples too.
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